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CAIR-Chicago Mourns Lives Lost in Canada Attack

This was a "Terrorist Attack"

Yesterday, a four members of a Muslim family were murdered in a premeditated terrorist attack in London, Ontario, when a truck driver barreled toward and hit them while they took an evening stroll. The fifth member, a 9-year-old boy, remains in critical condition.

The alleged driver, Nathaniel Veltman, reportedly planned and executed the attack, targeting this family for their outward Muslim appearance.

CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab shared the following commentary on social media:

"Dear respected Members of the Media,

This was not a “Truck Attack.”

This was a “Terrorist Attack.”

We already know from investigators this attack was motivated by hate. Trucks do not hate, they do not plot, and they do not drive themselves. They do not target innocent strangers they’ve never met for execution on our public streets just because they can.

Also, the alleged “terrorist” is not “a 20 year old.” The alleged terrorist is “Nathaniel Veltman.” We do not care about his age, we want his name. And photo - which oddly 24 hours later has not been shared once! We don’t care whether he was a loner or quiet and kept to himself or his childhood issues. We want to know what motivated him and who radicalized him.

The Media has an immediate responsibility to drill in and grill the authorities for full and swift transparency and clear answers, as would be the case had the script been flipped.

We cannot allow “anti-Muslim hate” to be presented as “self-explanatory.” We must know who (all about who), and especially why (all about why), to better understand and deter.

Anti-Muslim hate, the kind that kills a family walking down the street, cannot be allowed to ever approximate an act of nature like being struck by thunder or caught in a hurricane.

We will be watching closely. Despite our pain and sadness. At the end of the day, four wonderful people lay dead and a child is orphaned. We cannot help but imagine the moment that poor child regains enough mental awareness to be told that all is gone in an instant and he is suddenly alone. Praying for him and them. Their stories are starting to be told, and they were wonderful model citizens and human beings. How senseless and mad this all is. As hate and terrorism always is."

To help support the 9-year-old boy orphaned by this hate crime, you can donate via LaunchGood here.