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ABC 7: Local Muslim leaders call on politicians attending DNC to do more to end war in Gaza

CHICAGO (WLS) -- On Navy Pier Monday, leaders of several Islamic organizations sought attention and action from elected officials coming to Chicago for the Democratic National Convention.

"The people's voices will be clear and unified, and Palestine will be on the agenda at the DNC. It is the solidarity that many Americans hold with Palestine that will make it a truly historic happening in Chicago," said Jenin Al Harithi with American Muslims for Palestine Chicago.

Local organizers of recent largely peaceful marches and rallies calling for an end to the war in Gaza told ABC7 that at least three marches are planned during the DNC.

"We demand immediate actions, not just words. Our political leaders cannot longer morally justify the unprecedented death and destruction that is allowed by our nation's complicity in this war," said Abdulghany Hamadeh with the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago.

"We call for an immediate and permanent cease-fire to save these innocent lives, and there must be accountability for every rogue state actor in the world that targets child and innocent civilians," said Ahmed Rehab with CAIR Chicago.