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CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator Attends MLT Conference In Denmark

Through the echoes of conflict and warfare a voice of collective reason, moderation, and resolve rose to assume the challenges of a new world. The "Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow" (MLT) Conference of 2006 has positioned a fresh response aimed at reshaping the context of the adverse circumstances of global Muslim communities in order to establish alternative settings for their benefit and progress.

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CAIR-Chicago Rep. to Join Forum on Muslim-West Relations in Copenhagen, Denmark

CAIR-Chicago’s Communications Coordinator Sultan Muhammad is scheduled to participate in the second "Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow" forum in Copenhagen, Denmark, July 7 to July 9 alongside 100 young Muslims from 15 nations to discuss what they can do to improve Muslim-West relations. Muhammad says “It is without question humbling to have the opportunity to participate in such a defining event of our time wherein the usual is not suitable.”

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