Attend Nation’s Largest Rally in Solidarity with the Syrian People – SUNDAY, JULY 3

This Sunday join thousands in downtown Chicago to rally in support of the Syrian people’s struggle for democracy and freedom.

Since demonstrations in Syria began in March, it is estimated that nearly 1,500 people have been killed, 2,000 wounded, 20,000 imprisoned, and close to 1,000 forced disappearances. The Syrian government has also denied access to journalists, human rights organizations and the UN Human Rights Commission’s mandated fact finding mission.

The Syrian government is using tanks and live ammunition on its people, and in some cities security forces have cut off water and electricity and have confiscated food.

Syria has been ruled by a harsh authoritarian dictatorship for 45 years.

WHAT: Rally to support the Syrian people

WHEN: Sunday, July 3, 4:00pm - 7:00pm

WHERE: Downtown Chicago, 232 W. Ohio St. Chicago, IL [Transportation will be provided to/from Annual ISNA Convention]

“We are calling on the Obama Administration to take an unequivocal position in declaring the Asad regime illegitimate and to put pressure on the international community and members of the UN Security Council to pass a resolution condemning the Syrian regime,” said Yaser Tabbara, Executive Director of the Syrian American Council.

“We hope to raise awareness of the gross human rights violations taking place in Syria as we speak and we want Americans to stand by the Syrian people’s peaceful pursuit of freedom,” said CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Director Christina Abraham.


CONTACT: Yaser Tabbara, Executive Director, Syrian American Council, 312-718-3725,

The event is sponsored by: -Syrian American Council -Syrian American Society -Syrian Emergency Task Force -Coalition for Free Syria -Syrian American Foundation -Syria First -Syrian Expatriates Group -ISNA -CAIR Chicago -CIOGC -Project Mobilize -AMP





CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab to Speak at ISNA Convention - July 1-4


CAIR-Chicago Immigration Vlog #2 with Noor Salahuddin