Amina Sharif to present on the Anti-Shariah Movement at Chicago-Kent College of Law – Nov. 15th, 2011

What: "The Anti-Shariah Movement: Examining the constitutionality, roots, and tactics of a xenophobic cause" When: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at 12:30 PM

Where: Chicago-Kent College of Law, Room 580

Who: Amina Sharif, CAIR-Chicago

Professor Steven Heyman

Professor Mark Rosen


Amina Sharif, the Communication Director of CAIR-Chicago will be examining the anti-Shariah phenomenon at Chicago-Kent College of Law’s panel on November 15th, 2011.

The event is sponsored by the Muslim Law Students Association (MLSA), Decalogue, NLG and SALSA.  Sharif, along with two professors, will discuss the root causes of and fear evoked by the recent anti-Shariah hysteria, and its legislative and constitutional significance.



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