WBBM Radio: Group Says United Should Apologize For Removing Muslim Family From Flight

(CBS) — A Muslim family from west suburban Lombard says they were racially profiled and kicked off a United Airlines flight. The family of five was headed from Chicago to Washington D.C. March 20. They say they were asked to leave when they requested a strap for the youngest child’s booster seat.

Ahmed Rehab, executive director of the Chicago office of the Council On American-Islamic Relations says this is just the latest in a string of incidents demonstrating a bias against Muslims.

“We’ve seen Muslim passengers thrown off planes because they’re speaking Arabic, and then we were told ‘security.’ We’ve seen them taken off planes because they were watching news on their iPhone when it was okay to do so. And we were told ‘security.’ They were removed because they were told other passengers didn’t feel comfortable being on the same flight with them.”

Rehab says his organization has sent a letter to United asking for disciplinary measures, sensitivity training for employees and an apology and compensation for the family.

United says the airline booked the family on a subsequent flight. The concerns were about the safety of the child’s safety seat, which did not comply with federal safety regulations.

“Both United and SkyWest hold our employees to the highest standards of professionalism and have zero tolerance for discrimination,” the airline said in a prepared statement.

See Article and Listen to Radio Segment at Chicago.CBSLocal.com >>


ABC 7: Muslim Family Ordered Off Plane After Inquiring About Child Strap


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