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Worldview, Chicago Public Radio: Ahmed Rehab reflects on uncertain future of post-revolution Egypt

Today in Cairo, frustrated activists plan to stage another mass protest to accelerate the pace of government reform. In a recent visit to Cairo, Ahmed Rehab, director of the Chicago chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and frequent Worldview contributor, met with high-ranking officials and activists to discuss the way forward. He tells Jerome what he thinks the Egyptian people should demand now.

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Chicago Tribune: Rage Friday: Witnessing Egypt Firsthand

Dubbed “Rage Friday,” Egyptians took to the streets in massive numbers all over Cairo, Alexandria, and several other cities around the country directly calling for a regime change. Until recently, while the government tolerated a certain degree of freedom of speech, criticism of Egypt’s 30-year despot Mubarak was unimaginable; those who tried faced swift retribution by the government in one form or another.

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Medill Reports: Obama’s efforts in Middle East are working, ambassadors say

While Obama’s rhetoric has been encouraging, Muslims want to see more done, Amina Sharif, communications coordinator of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said Thursday. “Words are nice but action would be better,” she said.

There has been too little progress on a resolution between Israel and Palestine and Muslims are concerned about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Sharif said.

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Correio Braziliense: Até porta-voz do grupo extremista palestino Hamas viu “mudança” no discurso de Barack Obama

A boa oratória aliada ao carisma de Barack Obama parece, mais uma vez, ter surtido um efeito muito além do esperado para o presidente americano. O discurso proferido na Universidade do Cairo na manhã de ontem, endereçado aos árabes e muçulmanos, foi recebido de forma bastante positiva pela grande maioria dos líderes da região e em todo o mundo.

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Arab News: Obama's extended hand

US President Barack Obama was due to arrive in Cairo this morning for a one- day visit. In addition to holding talks with President Hosni Mubarak at the Qobba Palace he will deliver a widely anticipated speech at Cairo University addressed to the Muslim world.

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