Civil Rights, Civil Rights Center CAIR-Chicago Communications Civil Rights, Civil Rights Center CAIR-Chicago Communications

Ensuring Religious Equity: CAIR-Chicago's Commitment to Supporting Incarcerated Muslims

In a mission to advocate for religious freedom and equality, CAIR-Chicago has been diligently working alongside correctional facilities across the nation to provide vital resources and support to incarcerated Muslims. Through a multifaceted approach, CAIR-Chicago has strived to ensure that the religious rights and accommodations of Muslim inmates are respected and upheld.

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Events & Workshops, Civil Rights Center CAIR-Chicago Communications Events & Workshops, Civil Rights Center CAIR-Chicago Communications

Know Your Rights Panel - Combating Hate Crimes: Resources and Support for Communities Under Attack

In light of the ongoing challenges faced by communities, we invite you to a special virtual panel discussion titled “Know Your Rights: Combating Hate Crimes.” This crucial event will focus on providing resources and support for communities under attack, offering insights into pathways to justice in Illinois.

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COMMUNITY ALERT: Know Your Rights, Youth Workshops, Hate Crimes, and Media Assistance

Our office works with a number of youth, immigration, civil rights and interfaith organizations, and we have also presented on these issues with our partner organizations. Please contact our office if you have any questions, suggestions or would like us to come to your community to give a presentation on any of these topics, or meet to discuss any of these issues.

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CAIR-Chicago Welcomes EEOC Decree on Muslim Worker Discrimination Claims

Three Muslim employees alleged hostile work environment, unjust firing from Tinley Park Cadillac dealership. The Chicago Office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) has been representing these employees throughout the litigation and filed individual claims on their behalf.

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CAIR-Chicago Supports Appeal of Jewish School Denied Zoning Relief

On May 6, 2014, CAIR-Chicago filed an Amicus Curiae brief in support of an appeal filed by the Joan Dachs Yaakov Elementary School – Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi (“Joan Dachs”), based on the City of Evanston’s refusal to allow the school to re-develop vacant land for its religious and educational plans.

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ACTION ALERT: Stop Passage of Bill Restricting Academic Freedom, Free Speech

Time Sensitive. Last chance to act: Make your voice heard! The Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) is calling on its supporters to contact their elected state senators to urge that they drop proposed legislation that would restrict academic freedom and free speech rights.

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Civil Rights Center, Features MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Features MyJihad MyJihad

COMMUNITY ALERT: Phone scam, Fake IRS agent calls

CAIR-Chicago recently received complaints from community members who have received threatening, fraudulent phone calls from unknown callers who claim to be IRS tax agents. These phone scams are targeting recent immigrants, throughout the U.S. Victims are informed that they owe money to the IRS. The callers provide fake names and IRS badge numbers, and they may have the victim's Social Security Number, family information or other personal information.

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