Events & Workshops CAIR-Chicago Communications Events & Workshops CAIR-Chicago Communications

South Asian Solidarity Movement Panel Discussion on Islamophobia in BIPOC Communities

We are pleased to announce that CAIR-Chicago’s Executive Director Ahmed Rehab and Operations Manager Maggie Slavin, will help participate and facilitate an insightful panel discussion hosted by the South Asian Solidarity Movement. This engaging event aims to address and explore the nuanced intersection of Islamophobia within Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities.

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Events & Workshops CAIR-Chicago Communications Events & Workshops CAIR-Chicago Communications

Know Your Rights: 2-Day Series

Unlock the power of your voice! Join our “Know Your Rights” session to gain insight into the essence of freedom of speech and discover effective ways to exercise it across various domains, including your workplace, school, and social media.

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Events & Workshops CAIR-Chicago Communications Events & Workshops CAIR-Chicago Communications

EVENT: Islam & Muslims in the Media: How Far We've Come, How Far To Go

Join us tonight for a thought-provoking online event featuring a distinguished guest speaker, Ahmed Rehab, Executive Director of CAIR-Chicago. The event, titled, “Islam & Muslims in the Media: How Far We’ve Come, How Far To Go,” will delve into the portrayal of Islam and Muslims in the media, reflecting on the progress made and the challenges that lie ahead.

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Events & Workshops, Features CAIR-Chicago Communications Events & Workshops, Features CAIR-Chicago Communications

EVENT ALERT: Muslim Youth Leadership Symposium

The MYLS initiative passionately empowers Muslim American youth (grades 8-12) through proactive activism, aiming to guide their communities from the margin to the mainstream. It seeks to foster a healthy Muslim American identity that seamlessly integrates into pluralistic American society while staying true to one's faith values.

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Events & Workshops, Civil Rights CAIR-Chicago Communications Events & Workshops, Civil Rights CAIR-Chicago Communications

Jinan Chehade Press Conference

The Council on American-Islamic Relations - Chicago (CAIR-Chicago) convened a crucial press conference at 11:00 AM on December 6th to address the disheartening case of Jinan Chehade, a Georgetown Law graduate unjustly terminated from the well-known Chicago law firm Foley & Lander. Beyond a singular incident, the press conference illuminated a distrubing trend observed locally and nationally.

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Events & Workshops CAIR-Chicago Communications Events & Workshops CAIR-Chicago Communications

CAIR-Chicago's Meeting with DHS to Address Increased Community Concerns

We want to provide you with a recap of a recent meeting between CAIR-Chicago staff and representatives from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), where we discussed the heightened concerns within our community following the Gaza incident. The primary focus of this meeting was to address the surge in calls to our helpline and explore additional ways to support our community during these challenging times.

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Events & Workshops, Civil Rights Center CAIR-Chicago Communications Events & Workshops, Civil Rights Center CAIR-Chicago Communications

Know Your Rights Panel - Combating Hate Crimes: Resources and Support for Communities Under Attack

In light of the ongoing challenges faced by communities, we invite you to a special virtual panel discussion titled “Know Your Rights: Combating Hate Crimes.” This crucial event will focus on providing resources and support for communities under attack, offering insights into pathways to justice in Illinois.

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Events & Workshops CAIR-Chicago Communications Events & Workshops CAIR-Chicago Communications

Know Your Rights Workshop: Bolingbrook Edition with CAIR-Chicago

Empower yourself with knowledge! Join us for a special “Know Your Rights” workshop hosted by CAIR-Chicago’s Executive Director Ahmed Rehab in Bolingbrook on Friday, December 15th. This informative session is designed to equip community members with essential information to navigate their rights effectively.

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