ABC7: Cubs Chairman Tom Ricketts and CAIR-Chicago Plan to Tackle Islamophobia
ABC 7 covered the recent statement released by CAIR-Chicago and the Cubs Organization regarding leaked emails from Cubs patriarch Joe Ricketts.
“The Cubs and the Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations announced that Tom Ricketts had met with leaders of several Muslim groups. Executive Director Ahmed Rehab said he found Ricketts to be genuine in partnering to combat Islamophobia and bigotry.
”We talked about this isn’t about just a PR savvy move to do damage control, and I think Tom was genuine in sharing our sentiment,” Rehab said.
Also in the meeting was Asha Binbek, a lifelong Cubs fan who started going to games as a kid.
”Being a Cubs fan is part of who I am,” she said. But she says the emails were hurtful and disturbing, and is looking forward to working with the Cubs to help combat Islamophonia and to encourage diversity and inclusion.”