CAIR-Chicago and CIOGC to Host Press Conference Condemning Bigoted Emails by Cubs Patriarch Joe Ricketts

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CAIR-Chicago, CIOGC, Muslim Bar to Respond to Cubs Patriarch Joe Ricketts’ Leaked Racist, Islamophobic Emails 

(CHICAGO, IL, 2/5/2019) – Later today, the Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) and the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC) and the Muslim Bar Association will hold a press conference to respond to Cubs patriarch Joe Ricketts’ leaked racist and Islamophobic emails.

CAIR-Chicago and CIOGC are currently in direct communication with the Cubs organization.

WHAT: Press Conference Condemning Bigoted Emails by Cubs Patriarch Joe Ricketts

WHERE: The AZIMA Center at CAIR-Chicago, 17 N. State Street, Suite 1500, Chicago, Il 60602

WHO: CAIR-Chicago, CIOGC, Muslim Bar Association

WHEN: 3 PM, Tuesday, February 5

CONTACT: CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab, 202-870-0166,; CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator Saadia Pervaiz, 312-212-1520,; CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator Asha Binbek, 312-212-1520,

The emails leaked yesterday evening by Splinter included comments about Muslims being natural enemies in one email stating: “Christians and Jews can have a mutual respect for each other to create a civil society. As you know, Islam cannot do that. Therefore, we cannot ever let Islam become a large part of our society. Muslims are naturally my (our) enemy due to their deep antagonism and bias against non-Muslims.” Other leaked emails included racist jokes about Mexicans and African Americans with reference to the N-word. After the leak, Joe Ricketts issued an apology.

 “Bigotry has no home in Chicago,” said Ahmed Rehab, Executive Director for CAIR-Chicago.  “Mr. Rickett’s comments are both alarming and highly disappointing. The community is in shock. There are countless Chicagoans who are both Muslims and Cubs fans. This is particularly hurtful to them. The idea that Muslims do not belong or are a threat to our culture is a tired, old Islamophobic trope that is disproven every day through living, working, contributing, and leading in America, our home. It is lazy, ignorant and moreover blatantly false. We expect and demand better. Sports are supposed to bring us together. The Cubs need to act hard and fast to ensure Chicagoans that they embrace our values of anti-bigotry,”

"The recent cache of Joe Ricketts’ emails regarding Islam and Muslims is cruel and repugnant.  Such discourse has no place in American society.  It is a recurring example of the hateful rhetoric against Muslims that continues to find a voice in our nation’s discourse.  Such dialogue must be firmly and unequivocally denounced," said CIOGC Chairman Irshad Khan

“As a black Muslim and huge fan of the Cubs team, I am disappointed in the Cubs patriarch, his views and comments represent everything wrong with this country today. They have no place in society and should be condemned with more than a statement by Cubs owner,” CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator Asha Binbek stated. “Muslim Americans, including myself deserve to be treated like everyone else and it’s comments expressly made by people like Joe Ricketts that takes us further and further way from that.”

CAIR-Chicago is the Chicago office of America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Our mission is to defend civil rights, fight bigotry, and promote tolerance.


CONTACT: CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab, 202-870-0166,; CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator Saadia Pervaiz, 312-212-1520,; CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator Asha Binbek, 312-212-1520,


Chicago Tribune: Ahmed Rehab of the Council American-Islamic Relations discusses Joe Ricketts' racist emails


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