Community Alert: Repeal the Ban, Call your Rep!


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The NO BAN Act was introduced by Senator Christopher Coons and Representative Judy Chu in both houses of Congress on April 10th, 2019. It works to repeal the controversial Muslim Ban, which has had three iterations since January 2017. In June 2018, the Muslim ban was upheld as constitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States.

Not only does the bill move to repeal the ban, but it also amends the Immigration Nationality Act’s nondiscrimination provision to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on religion and to apply all nondiscrimination protections to immigrant and nonimmigrant visa applicants alike.

"Since January 2017, our country has been plagued by the Muslim Ban. Those affected include refugees & asylum-seekers, students, professionals with valid visas, tourists, immigrants, and individuals seeking family and loved ones. By denying travelers admittance into the United States based solely on their faith, the government violates American values. We applaud Senator Coons and Representative Chu for this courageous step," said our Deputy Director and Counsel Sufyan Sohel.

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Call Script:

"Hello, my name is [insert name here]. I'm calling on you to cosponsor and publicly support the NO BAN Act, which would repeal Trump's Muslim, asylum, and refugee bans—and limit the statutory authorities used by the administration to enact them. 

No one should be blocked from entering the country just because of their religion or where they come from. More than two years after Trump enacted his first ban, a Muslim Ban is still in place and still tearing apart families and communities. It's time for Congress to take action and #RepealTheBan."


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