We Ensure a Seat at the Table

Our Muslim communities have traditionally been misrepresented in the mainstream media and underrepresented in legislative policies. It's why we started this organization to ensure competent Muslim voices at every table and to hold anyone who undermines our community accountable.

We also work proactively to establish our own media platforms from standalone news and opinion sites to an in-house studio for content creation and development.

Please watch the short video above. We are committed to bringing real change in civil rights, media representation, and social justice.

This Ramadan, we cannot be at the Masajid where we typically raise 55% of our annual budget. We count on you at home if we are to survive this year. We need to raise $300,000. We simply cannot go on without your support. Help #keepgoingcairchi and help our doors stay open! Please Donate your Zakat/Sadaqa today!

Check out our Ramadan portal for more Ramadan goodies this month! We have a lot in store for the next few weeks!


Fighting for the Rights of Muslim Inmates


INJUSTICE WATCH: Sufyan Sohel on COVID-19 and Ramadan