Day of Action - Chicago


Please participate in today's rally protesting the taking of the life of George Floyd.

"The Quran extols the virtue of fighting for justice, even if we must stand against our own family. This Quaranic principle is best exemplified in the notion that until you value the life of a black man like you value a life in our own community, injustice will continue."

- Gregory Abdullah Mitchel, African American Muslim Leader and CIOGC ED

"Let's join our black voices, voices of all people of color and voices of all people to demand justice for George Floyd as well as systemic change to the conditions that makes these deaths possible again and again."

-Ahmed Rehab

Join us at the rally in Federal Plaza at 2:00 PM.

Please wear masks and follow safe social distancing guidelines. You can learn more about the rally here:


PRESS RELEASE: CAIR-Chicago to Observe Juneteenth as Office Holiday, Replacing Columbus Day  


Newsletter: 5-29-2020