REVISION 2020: Are We All In? Visualizing a New Normal with COVID-19 & Dismantling Anti-Blackness

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*2020 (Re)vision*

Webinar #1 | Are We All In? Visualizing a New Normal with COVID-19 & Dismantling Anti-Blackness.

Co-sponsored by CAIR-Chicago and the Illinois Muslim Civic Coalition, this monthly program will explore how community members can come together to better make sense of two pandemics—COVID-19 and racism—and ensure the necessary works in social justice and civic engagement yield inclusion, solidarity, equity and progress for all.

This Thursday June 25, 6-7:30 (CST)

*Register Here*:


ABC 7: Deputy Director Sufyan Sohel Urges for Yemeni Repatriation


PRESS RELEASE: CAIR-Chicago Calls for Repatriation from Yemen, Continues to Aid Travelers Stuck Abroad