Action Alert: Chicago, Stop Genocide in India; Support City Resolution

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This weekend is India’s Independence Day, but Trump continues to enable Prime Minister Modi as he dismantles the democracy Indian freedom fighters fought centuries to realize.

Trump stood by as Modi passed discriminatory national laws connecting citizenship and religion, leaving Muslims and Jews without pathways to citizenship in India.

Last summer, in Chicago’s suburbs, the Trump-Modi coalition became closer than ever as Steve Bannon (Trump advisor and white supremacist) was named co-chair of the Republican Hindu Coalition and Bannon said “Modi was a Trump before Trump.”

Now the Trump-Modi coalition in Chicago’s suburbs is trying to intimidate Chicago city council members who are boldly fighting back.

CAIR-Chicago is working alongside Chicago-based activists, organizations, and alderman to pass a city resolution that stands up for democracy, human rights, and equality in Chicago and India.  Read the resolution here and more background here.

Take 3 simple actions today to ensure the resolution is on the agenda of the next city Health and Human Relations Committee meeting:

1.      Call 3 key alderpeople (suggested talking points below):

  • (773) 635-0006: Ald. Roderick Sawyer, Committee Chair, Ward 6

  • (773) 878-4646: Ald. James Cappleman, Vice Chair, Ward 46

  • (773) 784-5277: Ald. Harry Osterman, Committee Member, Ward 48 (*Osterman has previously supported the resolution.)

2.       Sign this petition.

3.       Post on Social Media  / Twitter Storm @ 12PM CT (via

Similar resolutions have passed in 6 cities, including recently in San Francisco.

Last week, 2 more alderpeople agreed to support the resolution.  With 11 alderpeople and 19 organizations supporting, we have a great foundation, but it can't pass if it is not on the Committee’s agenda!

Take action now and stand up against violence and hate!

In solidarity,


Suggested phone call talking points:

* Please put the resolution Honoring India’s Independence and Democracy on the agenda of the Health and Human Relations' committee, and vote for it!

* 6 cities passed similar resolutions.

* 11 Chicago alderpeople and 19 organizations, including the Indo-American Democratic Organization of Chicago, support this resolution.

* Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders agree with the points made in the resolution – and have opposed Indian laws connecting citizenship and religion – leaving Muslims and Jews with no pathway to citizenship in India.

* India’s Independence Day is 8/15, and I urge you to stand up for democracy, human rights, and equality in India.

* Please put this resolution on the agenda of the next committee meeting and vote for it!


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