Gov. Affairs Reema Ahmad Coordinator Attends Muslim Community Dialogue

CAIR-Chicago Government Affairs Coordinator Reema Ahmad was invited to attend the Muslim Community Dialogue held at Aqsa School in Bridgeview this past weekend. These state sponsored dialogues aim to receive feedback from the various immigrant and minority communities across Illinois on social services provided by local government agencies and non-profit groups. The Director of the New Americans Initiative, Jose Luis Gutierrez, was on hand to field questions and concerns from the Muslim and Arab communities on their level of social and civic integretion in the state. Other members of the Governor's office were present to gauge what services and programs are still needed by this community in order for Muslims to be full and active participants in the larger society. The State of Illinois is gathering data from marginalized communities across the state to better assess the type and breadth of services offered. Copyright © 2009 CAIR-Chicago


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