NBC 5: Following Threats, CAIR-Chicago Calls for Stepped-Up Security at Local Mosques
CAIR-Chicago spoke with media after a south suburban mosque received violent threats on social media.
ABC 7: CAIR-Chicago Says Threats Triggered Security Alert for Local Mosques (VIDEO)
CAIR-Chicago is working with local law enforcement and the FBI Chicago office on recent social media violent threats against a south suburban mosque.
Rabya Khan presents Know Your Rights training this Saturday in Bridgview
This Saturday, November 17th, CAIR-Chicago Staff Attorney, Rabya Khan, will conduct a Know Your Rights training on how to interact with law enforcement, including the local police and the FBI.
The Prison Project: Long overdue Eid ul Fitr celebration for Muslim inmates
Thanks to the efforts of a group of dedicated volunteers from the Bridgeview and Chicago Muslim community who collaborated with the CAIR-Chicago Prison Project, the inmates had a much needed Eid ul Fitr celebration after fasting during the month of Ramadan. A collaboration of community members and CAIR-Chicago teamed up to give Muslim inmates a Eid they would remember.
Aqsa School Students critique media portrayals of Islam
On May 30th, 2012, students from Aqsa School in Bridgeview participated in an activist-oriented media monitoring training at CAIR-Chicago.
Ramadan Outreach in the Chicagoland Area
As part of CAIR-Chicago’s Ramadan outreach program executive-director, Ahmed Rehab, will be visiting four mosques in the Chicagoland area to discuss the services that CAIR-Chicago provides to the Muslim community.
Ahmed Rehab Speaking to Mosque Foundation English Program
Ahmed Rehab will be speaking about "The New Egypt" at the Mosque Foundation in Bridgeview, Illinois this Saturday March 26th at 7:30 pm.
MEDIA DIGEST: CAIR-Chicago Responds to "Burn A Koran Day" and Islamophobia with Outreach and Education
With Pastor Terry Jones' "Burn A Koran Day" fiasco and the ongoing Park51 debate taking center stage in the media, CAIR-Chicago is taking action. We are challenging misinformation and anti-Muslim rhetoric through interfaith and outreach efforts to educate the public. You may have also seen us in the news recently, adding balanced and informed perspectives to public discourse.
Daily Herald: Leaders call for unity as Muslims mark Eid, nation observes 9/11
"This is the holiest day for Muslims out of the year," said Amina Sharif, communications coordinator for CAIR-Chicago. "And since this year it falls so close to 9/11, it's an opportunity for us to discuss tolerance and peace. It's a day that we pray for those who are struggling around the world, and that includes the families of 9/11 victims."
Sensitivity Training Coordinator, Veronica Zapata, Delivers 4th Cultural Awareness Presentation to Bridgeview Police
Due to the high number of Muslim constituents in Bridgeview, the Police Department is working to develop more cultural sensitivity by gaining a better understanding of Islam and Muslims. CAIR-Chicago believes more training like this will serve to eliminate racial profiling and future injustices directed towards Muslims in Chicago and across the country.
WGN TV: Suburban woman accused in hate crime reaches plea deal
CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Director Christina Abraham, who attended the hearing with Amal Abusumayyah, said afterward, "We are hopeful that this sent a message to the public that sort of behavior will not be tolerated by a fair and just society."
Muslim Woman Vindicated for Hate Crime
CAIR-Chicago announced today that it is pleased with the plea agreement reached yesterday between state prosecutors and Valerie Kenney, a suburban woman who faced hate crime charges after attacking a Muslim woman at a Tinley Park grocery store 2 days after the Fort Hood shooting.
NPR: Muslim Headscarf Case Leads to Guilty Plea
"It gives her an opportunity to learn from her mistake," said Christina Abraham of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. "And we think this does send a message to the greater community that hate crimes are not going to be tolerated and that this sort of behavior is wrong."
Chicago Tribune: Scarf-pulling incident ends in probation for Tinley Park woman
An official with the Chicago-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, which became involved in the case, said the backlash against Muslim-Americans had spiked somewhat in the days immediately following the Fort Hood shooting but has subsided. "We try to rally community support for (victims and their families) and to make sure the state's attorney is pursuing the case with the utmost importance," said spokeswoman Christina Abraham.
Ramadan Outreach: Mosque Foundation
Join CAIR-Chicago at the Mosque Foundation for a brief informational session on the services CAIR-Chicago provides to the Muslim community.