CAIR-Chicago ad responds to pro-Walsh SuperPac attack

An organization calling itself Indian Americans for Freedom (IAF) has placed ads in this paper defaming CAIR-Chicago, a 10 year old reputable non-partisan Muslim American civil rights organization that has a voluminous and transparent record of exemplary service in the Chicagoland community. IAF is a little-known organization that does not represent the views of Indian Americans, most of whom have condemned its politically-motivated smear campaign.

The “Muslims are terrorists” libels run by IAF is a page out of the playbook of the regularly discredited and debunked organized Islamophobic Network that has popped up since 9/11.

CAIR-Chicago is widely supported by the 500,000 strong Muslim American community in Illinois and beyond as well as many in the South Asian, Latino, and other partner communities. Its track record of positive contribution has been lauded by elected officials and community leaders alike. Political cheap shots like the one run by this fringe group are shameful and run against the values of Illinois communities. Illinois Muslims stand in unity with Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Jews, and all others who, like us, denounce violence or hateful rhetoric against any group, no matter what race or religion.

To see CAIR-Chicago's ad in Desi Talk, click here.

Here's more of what they say about us:

"CAIR-Chicago's efforts to ensure justice to ensure justice and equality demonstrate that working for greater civil liberties of one community advances the civil liberties of all communities."

-Richard J. Durbin, U.S. Senator

"I want to commend CAIR-Chicago for its ongoing commitment to serving the needs of Chicago’s Muslim population and for working toward ensuring justice and civil rights for all the communities it serves.”

- Pat Quinn, Governor of Illinois

“Your commitment to education, justice, outreach, and empowerment not only serves to better the Islamic community but the community as a whole. Through your work and organizations like yours, I am confident that some day there will be “A Future Without Bigotry” not only in the Midwest but in the U.S.”

- Jesse Jackson Jr., U.S. Congressman

“I salute CAIR-Chicago for their commitment to justice and equality for Muslim Americans and all Americans. CAIR understands that in defending Muslim Americans against employment discrimination, prison abuse, hate crimes and citizenship delays they are also defending our American values for every American.”

- Danny K. Davis, U.S. Congressman

“Your theme this year, ‘A Future Without Bigotry’, should remind us all that the strength of our nation grows from our mutual tolerance and the appreciation of our different cultures, religions and creeds. Only through understanding and valuing our diversity can we truly achieve our nation’s full potential.”

- Lisa Madigan, Illinois Attorney

“CAIR-Chicago has provided a comprehensive array of invaluable services for the Muslim-American community and has facilitated important partnerships and civil rights advocacy opportunities for Muslim-Americans throughout the Chicagoland area.”

- Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago

“The work that CAIR-Chicago does for our city and across the nation not only enriches the Muslim community but also expands productive dialogue between cultures. I thank them for their efforts.”

- Mike Quigley, U.S. Congressman

“Through the years CAIR-Chicago has fought for the furtherance of civil rights, embraced community outreach to create greater understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims and battled against intolerance. These positive actions are critical in a world that is only becoming smaller, making us a global community.”

- Michael Madigan, IL Speaker of the House

“Over the years, your organization has remained dedicated to defending civil rights, promoting tolerance and finding systematic solutions to barriers that have plagued the community. It is great to see that you continue to inspire the community and improve the lives of those living in it.”

- Jesse White, Illinois Secretary of State

“Through the years, CAIR-Chicago has fought for the furtherance of civil rights, embraced community outreach to create greater understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims, and battled against intolerance. These positive actions are critical in a world that is only becoming smaller, making us one global community.”

- Michael Madigan, Illinois Speaker of the House

“From expanding legal aid services, to providing diversity training, to speaking about the Muslim religion and Muslim cultures at churches, synagogues, and universities, CAIR-Chicago has served its faith community and wider society admirably.”

- John Cullerton, President of Illinois Senate

“CAIR-Chicago has provided a comprehensive array of invaluable services to the Muslim-American community and has facilitated important partnerships and civil rights advocacy opportunities for Muslim-Americans throughout the Chicagoland area.”

- Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago

“CAIR-Chicago facilitates open lines of communication between different cultures and religions. Their efforts encouraging equality, enhancing cultures, knowledge, and promoting justice are both admirable and necessary.”

- Congressman Mike Quigley (D-IL)

“Over the years, your organization has remained dedicated to defending civil rights, promoting tolerance and finding systematic solutions to barriers that have plagued the community. It is great to see that you continue to inspire the community and improve the lives of those living in it.”

- Jesse White, Illinois Secretary of State

“Your theme this year, ‘A Future Without Bigotry’, should remind us all that the strength of our nation grows from our mutual tolerance and the appreciation of our different cultures, religions and creeds. Only through understanding and valuing our diversity can we truly achieve our nation’s full potential.”

- Lisa Madigan, Illinois Attorney General

“ Through its advocacy, outreach and education efforts, CAIR-Chicago has helped set the bar for civil rights organizations and helps serve as a model for those who seek to eradicate bigotry from all levels of society.”

- Dan Rutherford, Illinois State Treasurer

““I want to commend CAIR-Chicago for your ongoing commitment to serving the needs of Chicago’s Muslim population and for working toward ensuring justice and civil rights for all the communities you serve.”

- Governor Pat Quinn (D-IL)

“CAIR-Chicago works to present a balanced and accurate media portrayal of Islam and Muslims and makes our city a better place to live, work and raise families.”

- Mayor Richard Daley, City of Chicago

“CAIR-Chicago has established an outstanding reputation for its high quality services that convey a proactive response to intolerance and bigotry. CAIR-Chicago’s support for civil rights has helped make our community a stronger, more vibrant, and more welcoming place.”

- Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)

“Over the past three years, CAIR-Chicago has developed a reputation for professionalism that transcends both its community services and its public relations work. Understanding the value of a united community, CAIR-Chicago has worked hard to connect Muslims and non-Muslims in Metropolitan Chicago, empowering individuals to work together on issues of social justice.”

- Congressman Jesse L. Jackson (D-IL)

“CAIR-Chicago understands that in defending Muslim Americans against employment discrimination, prison abuse, hate crimes and citizenship delays they are also defending our American values for every American.”

- Congressman Danny K. Davis (D-IL)

“CAIR-Chicago has shown itself to be a strong partner in our community.”

- Philip J. Cline, Superintendent of Police, City of Chicago

”[CAIR-Chicago's] commitment to maintaining a dialogue leading to the frank and honest exchange of ideas, concerns and recommendations on issues affecting the communities we mutually serve is laudable.”

- Weysan Dunn, Special Agent in Charge, Springfield, Illinois Office of the FBI

“[CAIR-Chicago has] remained committed to empowering Muslims here in Illinois while fostering education throughout the surrounding communities. I would like to offer my thanks to your loyal members and supporters. Your combined efforts have helped to build better lives and a stronger Illinois.”

- Hon. Jesse White, Illinois Secretary of State

“I wish to commend [CAIR-Chicago] for the vital work you continue to do in assisting the Muslim-American community in areas such as civil rights defense and advocacy, media outreach, public relations and voter registration. Through this service you help empower the Muslim-American community, and contribute to its vibrancy [and for] the deep sense of mission you bring to your efforts, which results in myriad achievements on behalf of many of the residents of Cook County.”

- Todd Stroger, Cook County President

“I applaud [CAIR-Chicago’s] efforts to involve the Muslim community in the social, cultural and economic life of Chicagoland. I offer my congratulations and best wishes to CAIR and its mission.”

- Maria Pappas, Cook County Treasurer

“Each year, I welcome the opportunity to commend CAIR-Chicago for its commitment to ending practices of defamation and discrimination in our communities, and its efforts to unite individuals from various backgrounds in support of its mission to ensure justice for all. For its dedication to inclusiveness, civic responsibility, human rights and public safety, I extend best wishes for continued success to the Chicago Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.”

- Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County

“I commend CAIR-Chicago for its exceptional work to educate the community and encourage civic engagement and participation. CAIR-Chicago’s success in providing outstanding service to one of the largest Muslim populations in the Unites States is remarkable. As City Clerk of Chicago, I strongly support CAIR-Chicago.”

- Miguel del Valle, City Clerk of Chicago

“Working for common goals is [one effort] that CAIR-Chicago continues to work towards through its educational and mobilization programs for Chicago’s Muslim communities. We are proud to include CAIR-Chicago among those partnerships in the community that cooperate with police and other City agencies in pro-actively addressing chronic crime and disorder problems across Chicago. Once more, I offer my sincere esteem and best wishes to the leadership and members of CAIR-Chicago for even more success in the future.”

- Vance T. Henry, CAPS Director

“I commend CAIR-Chicago for its efforts to promote cultural understanding and religious tolerance and offer my best wishes for…much future success.”

- Mayor Richard Daley, City of Chicago

“Over the past five years, CAIR-Chicago has accomplished an outstanding record of service in educating and communicating the values and cultures of the American Muslim community. Your efforts to engage and become part of the political process, has resulted in greater understanding and recognition by many political leaders in the Metropolitan Chicago Area.”

- Mayor Gerald Bennett, City of Palos Hills

“In protecting constitutional and human rights, CAIR-Chicago promotes tolerance and inspires all of us to form a strong and safe community bond.”

- Village President Margaret Fuller, Village of Harwood Heights

“I support most whole-heartedly the effort that CAIR-Chicago does to promote peace, opportunity, and the inclusion of all people.”

- Mayor Thomas Mazaika, City of Oakbrook Terrace

“I applaud CAIR-Chicago for its work encouraging Arab and Muslim American to be proactive and to participate in the daily life of their communities while standing up for their rights and projecting a positive picture of their faith and heritage.”

- Mayor Steven Landek, Village of Bridgeview

“Congratulations on your courage and tenacity as you seek to enlighten both the Muslim community here and the general American public through education and the nurturing of understanding.”

- Mayor Bradley Stephens, Village of Rosemont

“…CAIR-Chicago has a record of achievement in teaching Muslims to stay politically active and [positively engaged in government...[CAIR-Chicago] should serve as a model for the rest of the world to learn how to live together in peace and harmony.”

- State Senator Carole Pankau

“CAIR-Chicago’s ongoing effort to engage Muslim Americans in the political process, while fighting against persecution and injustice, is deserving of the most sincere respect and accolades.”

- State Senator Christine Radogno

“CAIR-Chicago’s renowned impact on society generated by the Muslim community in Chicago and nationwide is one that should be respected…your organization is committed to the challenge of further emphasizing and promoting the goodwill of our Muslim neighbors in Chicago and Muslim communities worldwide.”

- State Representative Mary E. Flowers

“America, I believe, is entering a new period of tolerance where we as a nation embrace our diversity rather than fear it…CAIR-Chicago will play a critical role in enhancing American-Muslim relations and enabling your members to reclaim their rightful place in the fabric of our great nation.”

- Congressman Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.,(D-IL)

“…the security and strength of our nation lies in our diversity and our unity…CAIR-Chicago understands that in defending Muslim Americans against employment discrimination, prison abuse, hate crimes, and citizenship delays they are also defending our American values for every American.”

- Congressman Danny K. Davis, (D-IL)

“I salute CAIR-Chicago for their ongoing efforts to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and building coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding…let us continue to do good works, collaborate for justice, and work for stronger understanding in our community and our nation.”

- Congressman Bobby L. Rush, (D-IL)

“[CAIR-Chicago] plays an important role in ensuring that the human rights on the part of all nationalities, countries, states, communities, religions, and faiths are not supplanted…injustice anywhere is unacceptable, and defeats our American values for every American. I applaud your advocacy efforts and leadership in tackling issues of discrimination, basic civil liberties and hate crimes against Muslim individuals.”

- Congresswoman Gwen Moore, (D-WI)

“For years, CAIR-Chicago had worked to develop programs to ensure a better quality of life for all of our citizens. I commend CAIR-Chicago for its hard work and offer you my best wishes for much continued success.”

- Mayor Richard M. Daley , City of Chicago

“CAIR-Chicago continues to work tirelessly to promote a fair and humane society, striving for the goals of peace, justice, and equality. The achievement of these goals benefits all residents in our communities and helps to re-enforce a strong and free democratic society.”

- Mayor Thomas S. Mazaika, City of Oakbrook Terrace

“CAIR-Chicago also helps those who face discrimination on the job and in everyday life. In doing so, CAIR-Chicago joins a long list of honorable and well regarded organizations that have worked hard to safeguard the rights of disadvantaged Americans throughout our history.”

- Mayor Steven M. Landek, Village of Bridgeview

“This new CAIR-Chicago has contacted more communities than have ever been contacted before. People are talking about them. I can’t think of a more important professional arm of activism than CAIR-Chicago has been… Being a voice of Muslims who are voiceless.””

- Aminah McCloud, Professor of Islamic Studies, DePaul University

“Because they have grown up in American society they understand what American diversity is. They understand the political process.”

- M. Cherif Bassiouni, Distinguished Research Professor of Law, DePaul University- College of Law

“The CAIR, Chicago chapter, is doing something that is very interesting. It is a group of young, I guess you call it the one and a half generation, Muslims. Often born abroad, but raised here and who respect the elders of their community or connect, and yet are interested, and willing, to engage in political debate in this nation, on the terms that this nation does political debate.”

- Josh Hoyt, Executive Director, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR)

“They are willing to get their hands dirty in politics. They’re willing to stand up in the media and speak truth to power.”

- Josh Hoyt, Executive Director, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR)

“Continue to do as you are doing, and the truth will prevail."

– (anonymous message from Dan on CAIR- Chicago voice mail)


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