KTRS: Immigrant rights activists blast Gov. Rauner on refugee call

CHICAGO (AP) – Chicago-based immigrant rights groups and advocates are blasting Gov. Bruce Rauner’s decision to temporarily stop accepting new Syrian refugees in Illinois in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Paris. The Arab American Action Network says the decision creates a “fictitious link” between those fleeing war and violence and those responsible for the deadly attacks. The group says it also fuels racist stereotypes. The Organized Communities Against Deportations wants Rauner to reconsider. The Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations says Rauner’s decision is “an impulsive reaction” that’s “a political exploitation of a tragedy” versus effective security.

Rauner announced Monday that Illinois will consider legal options pending a review of U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s acceptance and security processes.

Rauner says Illinois must balance welcoming refugees while ensuring safety.

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ILnews: Rauner: State to suspend accepting Syrian refugees