CAIR-Chicago co-sponsoring interfaith arts exchange on April 4th
Join CAIR-Chicago Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson, the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs and the Council for the Advancement of Muslim Professionals on Thursday, April 4th for an arts exchange aimed at bringing Jewish and Muslims artists together to foster relationships and celebrate shared experiences.
Chicagoland’s Muslims and Jews Explore “New Roots” at Café Finjan
Café Finjan attendees found connections through their historical roots, and shared how their experiences and perspectives can lead to building a better future. CAIR-Chicago, a JMCBI member organization, co-sponsored the event.
Cafe Finjan 2012: New Roots Chicago
Jewish and Muslim artists, musicians and community members will explore the crossroads we face in Chicago’s political scene, as well as the crossroads of ethnicities, cultures and religions that make our city great. They will find connections through historical roots and share how that can lead to building a better future.
Calling All Artists for Cafe Finjan 2012
The Jewish Muslim Community Building Initiative is looking for artists for the upcoming Cafe Finjan on Thursday, March 15, 2012. This year's Cafe Finjan will feature art that explores the theme “New Roots Chicago: Digging our past and branching into our future.” Apply Today!
Muslim and Jewish Artists to Perform, Explore "Crossroads" - TOMORROW
Jewish and Muslim artists, musicians and community members will explore the crossroads we face in Chicago's political scene, as well as the crossroads of ethnicities, cultures and religions that make our city great at the next “Café Finjan” event.
Muslim and Jewish Artists to Perform, Explore "Crossroads" - TOMORROW
Jewish and Muslim artists, musicians and community members will explore the crossroads we face in Chicago's political scene, as well as the crossroads of ethnicities, cultures and religions that make our city great at the next “Café Finjan” event.
Calling Muslim & Jewish Artists! Cafe Finjan 2011 Coming Soon
Are you a Muslim or Jewish artist who believes in the transformative power of art? Showcase your talent at Café Finjan 2011! The theme of this year’s Café Finjan is “Chicago Crossroads,” emphasizing the crossroads we face in the city’s political scene, as well as the crossroads of ethnicities, cultures and religions that make our city great.
Outreach Coordinator Meets with Israeli-Palestinian Envoy
On Monday, Oct. 4th, CAIR-Chicago Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson met with an international envoy from Israel and Palestine to share ideas on how to improve Jewish-Muslim relations through art.
CAIR-Chicago Co-Hosts Jewish-Muslim Arts Event - Cafe Finjan
On February 4 CAIR-Chicago co-hosted Cafe Finjan, an interfaith arts and culture event coordinated by the Jewish-Muslim Community Building Initiative (JMCBI). The event aims to bring together Jews and Muslims from across Chicago. Outreach Coordinator, Gerald Hankerson, performed spoken word poetry and facilitated group discussions on religion and identity. Watch Gerald's Performance HERE
Join CAIR-Chicago and JMCBI for Cafe Finjan's 2020 Vision
Jewish/Muslim artists & community members will explore a common vision for the future with regards to the challenges we face and the complexity of our identities.
CAIR-Chicago Co-Sponsors First Café Finjan Galleria
Earlier this week, CAIR-Chicago, as part of the Jewish-Muslim Community Building Initiative (JMCBI), co-hosted the first Café Finjan of 2009. The event featured an art galleria that included artwork, short films, and music.
Outreach Coordinator to Attend Cafe Finjan Planning Meeting
CAIR-Chicago's Outreach Coordinator, Gerald Hankerson, will be attending the upcoming Cafe Finjan planning meeting.
Trib Local: Avery Connley Students Star in Muslim-Jewish Festival
Ramadan, the holiest month for Muslims, which begins on September 1, is on the horizon and Cafe Finjan, with its message of brotherhood, has arrived well in time. These days when one hears more of the animosity or supposed animosity between Muslims and Jews, programs such as this are a breath of fresh air. It promises to be a night of comedy, music, song, poetry, drumming, storytelling and art.
Over 200 Join CAIR-Chicago and Friends for Café Finjan
Over 200 Chicagoans joined Café Finjan this Thursday, August 21st for a night of Muslim and Jewish interfaith performances and discussion. Café Finjan is a series of interfaith arts exchanges, begun in 2004 by the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA) as part of its Jewish-Muslim Community-Building Initiative.
CAIR Chicago to Co-Host Café Finjan
Feature 261 Café Finjan is a series of interfaith arts exchanges, begun in 2004 by the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA) as part of its Jewish-Muslim Community-Building Initiative.
Huffington Post: Cafe Finjan: A Fine Blend of Jewish and Muslim Cultural Expression
At a time when one hears more of the animosity or supposed animosity between Muslims and Jews, programs such as Cafe Finjan arrive as a breath of fresh air. Post 9/11, the Muslim community has made an incredible effort to participate in inter-faith dialogue and inter-faith events such as this - after all it's ignorance that breeds fear
CAIR-Chicago to co-host Café Finjan featuring Muslim and Jewish Artists
WHAT: CAFÉ FINJAN is a series of interfaith arts exchanges, begun in 2004 by the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs as part of its Jewish-Muslim Community-Building Initiative. Come join new and old friends for a night of comedy, music, song, and spoken word in an intimate coffeehouse setting on the edge of the West Town and Noble Square neighborhoods.
Café Finjan: Jewish & Muslim Open Mic Night
Café Finjan, a series of cultural events designed to foster community between the Jewish and Muslim populations of the Chicago area, is kicking off a new round of events.