KTVU FOX 2: #MyJihad campaign reaches San Francisco Muni buses
KTVU FOX 2 in Oakland, California reports on the #MyJihad campaign appearing on San Francisco Muni buses.
MEDIA DIGEST: CAIR-Chicago responds to attacks in Libya, protests, and anti-Muslim bigotry
CAIR-Chicago representatives speak to media, engage in forums and hold events in response to attacks in Libya, protests, and anti-Muslim bigotry.
FOX, O'Reilly Factor: Ahmed Rehab Debunks O'Reilly's Denial of Islamophobia
CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab and Fox News' Bill O'Reilly discuss Congressmen Mike Quigley's apology for Islamophobia in the U.S. as O'Reilly goes on to deny that Muslim Americans face discrimination. Rehab provides several statistics and examples that prove O'Reilly is blatantly wrong.
FOX, O'Reilly Factor: Ahmed Rehab Debunks O'Reilly's Denial of Islamophobia
CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab and Fox News' Bill O'Reilly discuss Congressmen Mike Quigley's apology for Islamophobia in the U.S. as O'Reilly goes on to deny that Muslim Americans face discrimination. Rehab provides several statistics and examples that prove O'Reilly is blatantly wrong.
FOX News: CAIR-Chicago's Christina Abraham Discusses Hajj Accommodation Case
"She's asking for unpaid leave that means they didn't have to pay her for the three weeks that she was going to be out and she gave them three months for which to prepare," argues CAIR-Chicago attorney Christina Abraham.
FOX News: CAIR-Chicago's Christina Abraham Discusses Hajj Accommodation Case
"She's asking for unpaid leave that means they didn't have to pay her for the three weeks that she was going to be out and she gave them three months for which to prepare," argues CAIR-Chicago attorney Christina Abraham.
FOX Chicago: Chicagoan Ahmed Rehab Takes Part in Cairo Protests
"I planned it to be here so that I could participate heart and soul, body and mind with the people during these times," Ahmed Rehab said in a phone call.
FOX News: Ahmed Rehab updates us from Cairo
Ahmed Rehab of CAIR-Chicago shares updates from the heart of Cairo where he is taking part in the pro-democracy revolution.
Medill Reports: 'People look at us and get the wrong impression'
“Islamophobia is the last form of racism that is tolerated in mainstream America,” said Amina Sharif, CAIR-Chicago's Communications Coordinator. “You won’t see Fox News go out of its way to defend anti-black or anti-Semitic comments but they went out of their way to defend an Islamophobic statement.”
Medill Reports: 'People look at us and get the wrong impression'
“Islamophobia is the last form of racism that is tolerated in mainstream America,” said Amina Sharif, CAIR-Chicago's Communications Coordinator. “You won’t see Fox News go out of its way to defend anti-black or anti-Semitic comments but they went out of their way to defend an Islamophobic statement.”
FOX Chicago: Christina Abraham Discusses Islamophobia and Juan Williams' Comments
Christina Abraham, CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Director, appeared as a live guest today on Fox Chicago's morning show, Good Day Chicago. Abraham spoke with hosts Anna Davlantes and Corey McPherrin regarding the controversy over political analyst Juan Williams' Islamophobic statements on Fox News.
FOX Chicago: Christina Abraham Discusses Islamophobia and Juan Williams' Comments
Christina Abraham, CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Director, appeared as a live guest today on Fox Chicago's morning show, Good Day Chicago. Abraham spoke with hosts Anna Davlantes and Corey McPherrin regarding the controversy over political analyst Juan Williams' Islamophobic statements on Fox News.
CBS News: Local Muslim Leader Supports Commentator’s Firing
“I thought that NPR did the right thing,” Ahmed Rehab said. “They have a reputation to protect, and clearly his unobjective and sensational characterizations were not a good fit for their objective standards of journalism.” Rehab says comments like those made by Williams encourage the stereotypes that generate fear of Muslims.
“There seems to be a refusal and willful ignorance when it comes to the simple notion that Muslims are not one in the same with terrorists,” he said.
FOX Business: Ahmed Rehab debates Islamophobe Pamela Geller on Park51
Ahmed Rehab deconstructs Pamela Geller's fear mongering misinformation campaign against the Park51 community center in New York and exposes her anti-Muslim bigotry.
FOX News: Ahmed Rehab Debates Whether America is Islamophobic
Ahmed Rehab debates guests on Fox Business' Money Rocks regarding the rise of Islamophobia in America as seen by recent attacks against several mosques. Rehab and conservative commentator Bo Dietel also debate the merits of building a mosque in lower Manhattan, near Ground Zero.
FOX Chicago: "Islamophobia" and America's Relationship with its Muslim citizens
Mosque debates are taking place across the county, from New York City to Chicago to the surrounding suburbs. They are not all about zoning, but for the most part they are very heated. Ahmed Rehab says "islamophobia" is sweeping America. The leader of the Council on American-Islamic Relations describes the status of America's Relationship with its Muslim citizens.