Omaha World Herald: Meat Plants Seem a Breeding Ground for Culture Clashes
Central Nebraska has become the latest stage for an unfolding American drama. Tensions over Muslim workers' request for prayer time erupted into worker walkouts, protests, counterprotests, a brief plant shutdown and employee firings at a meatpacking plant in Grand Island.
ABC 7, Denver News: Former Swift Workers Seek Help Council on American-Islamic Relations Steps in
A group of the more than 120 Muslim employees fired last week at the Swift plant in Greeley met with an attorney representing the Council on American-Islamic RelationsWednesday, hoping that the advocacy group can help them find a resolution.
Greeley Tribune: CAIR lawyer talks with fired Swift workers
Rima Kapitan, with CAIR's Chicago office, on Wednesday met with Muslim workers recently fired by JBS Swift. She said CAIR is coordinating with an attorney retained by about 60 of the fired workers.
Denver Post: Muslims, Neb. Plant Agree but Fired Greeley Workers Face Hurdle in Prayer Dispute
An agreement between Muslim workers and a Nebraska meatpacking plant reached late Tuesday could be an outline for an accord in a similar dispute in Greeley, people involved in the discussions say. But a major hurdle in any agreement over Muslim prayer times will be whether 103 workers who were fired for walking away from the JBS Swift & Co. slaughterhouse in Greeley are rehired, said Christina Abraham, civil-rights director at the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Chicago.
Rocky Mountain News: Attorney: Group has Talked with Greeley Plant for Year about Breaks for Muslims
A volunteer attorney with the Council on American-Islamic Relations said Wednesday thatCAIR has been negotiating for a year with JBS Swift & Co. about break times for Muslim workers.
Denver Post: Meat-plant owner "uncooperative" in Muslim prayer fight
A civil-rights group holds little hope that a week-old dispute between Muslim workers and their bosses at a Greeley slaughterhouse will end quickly, based on the company's recent response in a similar standoff in Nebraska.
Denver Post: Meat-plant owner "uncooperative" in Muslim prayer fight
A civil-rights group holds little hope that a week-old dispute between Muslim workers and their bosses at a Greeley slaughterhouse will end quickly, based on the company's recent response in a similar standoff in Nebraska.
Associated Press: Swift Offers Prayer Solution to Muslims
OMAHA, Neb. - Meatpacking plant officials accused of discriminating against dozens of Somali Muslim workers have offered to tweak break times to help accommodate the workers' prayer demands.
Associated Press: Muslim workers at Nebraska meatpacking plant complain of religious harassment
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) -- Supervisors at a meatpacking plant have fired or harassed dozens of Somali Muslim employees for trying to pray at sunset, violating civil rights laws, the workers and their advocates say.