Amina Sharif Speaks at Lowe’s Townhall Meeting
Amina Sharif, CAIR-Chicago’s Communications Coordinator, spoke at an Orland Park townhall meeting on Jan. 15. She presented on a panel with three other leaders from different faith organizations.
Interfaith Leaders Hold Press Conference; Support DuPage Mosque
CAIR-Chicago participated in an interfaith press conference held on behalf of the Muslim Education and Cultural Center of America (MECCA), the third mosque denied a permit in DuPage County in the past year.
Chicago Tribune: Religious leaders urge approval of DuPage mosque
"How many mosques constitute an oversaturation in unincorporated DuPage County, according to the Zoning Board of Appeals?" asked Ahmed Rehab, director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, at a news conference. "The answer would be one. One would be one too many apparently, and that's very disconcerting to us."
Medill Reports: Islamic group puts pressure on DuPage to change stand banning mosque
In tough economic times most neighborhoods would welcome development. But in suburban Willowbrook, they’re waving it off for an unusual reason: religious oversaturation.
CAIR-Chicago Joins JCUA Commemoration of New Home and Hanukkah
The Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA) welcomed invited guests to their housewarming celebration in the new Spertus facility, 610 N. Michigan Ave