CAIR-Chicago hosts MBA Lunch and Learn program
The CAIR-Chicago hosted the Muslim Bar Association's October Lunch n Learn program which was held on Tuesday, October 30th. Participants included representatives from non-profit organizations working on multiple issues.
Kevin Vodak to Speak at Muslim Bar Association Lunch Meeting - September 30, 2010
CAIR-Chicago staff attorney Kevin Vodak will speak at the Muslim Bar Association "Lunch & Learn" meeting. His presentation will focus on the requirements and challenges of proving religious discrimination against Muslims in the workplace.
Over 200 Join CAIR-Chicago and Friends for Café Finjan
Over 200 Chicagoans joined Café Finjan this Thursday, August 21st for a night of Muslim and Jewish interfaith performances and discussion. Café Finjan is a series of interfaith arts exchanges, begun in 2004 by the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA) as part of its Jewish-Muslim Community-Building Initiative.
Meeting to Discuss Class Action Lawsuit Against DHS
CAIR-Chicago met with the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois (ACLU-Illinois), the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC), and the Muslim Bar Association (MBA) to discuss an ACLU class action law suit against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for their inadequate policies concerning the reentry of Muslim U.S. citizens from abroad into the U.S., when those citizens have names similar to someone else on a government watch list.