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CAIR-Chicago Executive Director and Communications Coordinator Speak at Press Conference

At the press conference, the speakers echoed President Obama’s assertion that Osama Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader, and in fact was a mass-murderer of Muslims. CAIR-Chicago’s Communication Coordinator, Amina Sharif, stated “Bin Laden never represented Islam and was never seen as a Muslim leader, but unfortunately many people’s understanding of Islam was distorted by the actions of Bin Laden.”

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Civil Rights Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Daily Herald: Banned by Illinois State Police, Muslim cleric melds with FBI

Mustapha is the well-known leader at one of the nation's most popular mosques and is a national figure in American Islam. So considering his civic stature, it isn't surprising Imam Mustapha was invited by FBI officials in Chicago to attend this summer's Citizens' Academy with about 25 other local notables.

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Media Digest: CAIR-Chicago Files Lawsuit Against Ill. State Police for Sheikh Kifah Mustapha

CAIR-Chicago filed a discrimination complaint in federal court this week against the Illinois State Police (ISP) on behalf of Kifah Mustapha, a leading Muslim religious leader (Imam) based in Chicago. The ISP revoked his chaplaincy position citing a dubious Internet report attacking him. The report was written by Steven Emerson, an anti-Muslim blogger notorious for fighting against American Muslim civic participation. See media coverage of the lawsuitHERE.

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ABC7: Christina Abraham Discusses CAIR-Chicago's Lawsuit Against ISP for Sheikh Kifah

"Constitutionally a person can only be held responsible for their own activities, their own conduct," said CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Director Christina Abraham."And if Imam Kifah has never committed a crime - then what is he being denied for? That's an answer we never received from the Illinois State Police."

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ABC7: Christina Abraham Discusses CAIR-Chicago's Lawsuit Against ISP for Sheikh Kifah

"Constitutionally a person can only be held responsible for their own activities, their own conduct," said CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Director Christina Abraham."And if Imam Kifah has never committed a crime - then what is he being denied for? That's an answer we never received from the Illinois State Police."

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Civil Rights Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Associated Press: Group sues Ill. police over Muslim chaplain flap

In December, community and religious groups hailed Mustapha's appointment as a nod to the growing diversity among the agency's nearly 2,000 officers. Since 2002, Mustapha has been an imam and director at the Mosque Foundation in Bridgeview, one of the Chicago area's oldest and largest mosques. He also served as a designated chaplain with the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency, helping to counsel Hurricane Katrina victims.

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Civil Rights Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Chicago Tribune: Chicago Islamic group sues Illinois State Police

The lawsuit filed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations' Chicago chapter alleges discrimination based on race, religion and national origin. The suit also says Mustapha was denied his First Amendment right to freedom of association, which bars the government from imposing guilt by association. It calls for Mustapha's immediate reinstatement.

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Civil Rights Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

WLS am 890: State Police fire Muslim chaplain over Internet smear

“Imam Kifah [Mustapha] is an upstanding citizen who has served this country and his community time and again,” Christina Abraham, civil rights director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations-Chicago, said in a release. “It is time to put an end to the fear-mongering and anti-Muslim rhetoric that has senselessly engulfed our nation,” she said.

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Civil Rights Center, Features, Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Features, Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad

Bias Suit Filed Against Ill. State Police for Sheikh Kifah Mustapha

CAIR-Chicago filed a discrimination complaint in federal court today against the Illinois State Police (ISP) on behalf of Kifah Mustapha, a leading Muslim religious leader (Imam) based in Chicago. The ISP had previously hired Imam Kifah as the first and only Muslim chaplain for its workforce after the completion of a thorough background check. Shortly after news of Imam Kifah’s hiring, the ISP revoked its decision citing a dubious Internet report attacking Imam Kifah. The report was written and distributed by Steven Emerson, an anti-Muslim blogger notorious for fighting against American Muslim civic participation.

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Anti Hate Center, Features MyJihad MyJihad Anti Hate Center, Features MyJihad MyJihad

Media Digest: CAIR-Chicago, Muslim Leaders React to IL Gov.'s Comments Regarding "Ground Zero Mosque"

CAIR-Chicago representatives and local Muslim leaders, at a press conference on Friday, discussed their disappointment in IL Gov. Pat Quinn's comments regarding the New York mosque controversy. They also shared examples of other mosques around the country that are facing opposition, including one in Naperville which CAIR-Chicago is currently litigating on behalf of. See Media Coverage HERE

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Anti Hate Center, Features MyJihad MyJihad Anti Hate Center, Features MyJihad MyJihad

Media Digest: CAIR-Chicago, Muslim Leaders React to IL Gov.'s Comments Regarding "Ground Zero Mosque"

CAIR-Chicago representatives and local Muslim leaders, at a press conference on Friday, discussed their disappointment in IL Gov. Pat Quinn's comments regarding the New York mosque controversy. They also shared examples of other mosques around the country that are facing opposition, including one in Naperville which CAIR-Chicago is currently litigating on behalf of. See Media Coverage HERE

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FOX News: Muslim Leaders Discuss "Ground Zero Mosque" Controversy and Disappointment in Gov. Quinn

CAIR-Chicago representatives and local Muslim leaders, at a press conference on Friday, discussed their disappointment in IL Gov. Pat Quinn's comments regarding the New York mosque controversy. They also shared examples of other mosques around the country that are facing opposition, including one in Naperville which CAIR-Chicago is currently litigating on behalf of.

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FOX News: Muslim Leaders Discuss "Ground Zero Mosque" Controversy and Disappointment in Gov. Quinn

CAIR-Chicago representatives and local Muslim leaders, at a press conference on Friday, discussed their disappointment in IL Gov. Pat Quinn's comments regarding the New York mosque controversy. They also shared examples of other mosques around the country that are facing opposition, including one in Naperville which CAIR-Chicago is currently litigating on behalf of.

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