Chicago Sun-Times: Holy month unites Chicago Muslims
Chicago Sun-Times columnist Neil Steinberg profiles Chicago's diverse Muslim community in time for the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan.
Rusty Humphries Show: Ahmed Rehab shares Muslim community's reactions to the Boston bombings
Listen to Ahmed Rehab on the Rusty Humphries Show talk about the Muslim community's reactions to the Boston bombings.
Rusty Humphries Show: Ahmed Rehab shares Muslim community's reactions to the Boston bombings
Listen to Ahmed Rehab on the Rusty Humphries Show talk about the Muslim community's reactions to the Boston bombings.
Ahmed Rehab Talks With John Williams About American Muslims and Homeland Security
Ahmed Rehab speaks with John Williams about different controversies on Muslim persecutions. Rehab talks about the idea of guilt by association and how it is very speculative to associate the Muslim community with radicalized individuals.
WGN: Ahmed Rehab Discusses Anti-Muslim Sentiments Arising After Fort Hood
CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab, as a live guest on WGN News, responds to bigoted sentiments being expressed by some Americans after the unfortunate shooting at Fort Hood.
WGN: Possible Backlash Against Muslims
Christina Abraham speaks as a live guest on WGN News and discusses the Muslim community's fear of backlash in the wake of the Fort Hood shooting while acknowledging that the vast majority of Americans are trusting of their Muslim neighbors. Abraham also criticizes those who overemphasize the perpetrators religious affiliation, citing double standards that allow crimes committed by Muslims to be unfairly associated with Islam.
CLTV: Muslims Combating Islamophobia after Fort Hood
CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab talks to CLTV News about Muslim efforts to combat Islamophobia through public education and interfaith initiatives. Rehab also reminds Americans not to judge Muslim Americans, particularly Muslim soldiers, based on the actions of one man.
ABC 7: Muslim community concerned about backlash
“There are seven million Muslims in America who are all peaceful, patriotic and support our troops so along with being deeply saddened and horrified by this event we are also concerned that people might call into question our patriotism and loyalty to this country,” said Amina Sharif, Council On American Islamic Relations.
Le Journal du Dimanche: La descente aux enfers du soldat Hassan
CAIR-Chicago's Executive Director Ahmed Rehab talks to the French Newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche about the Fort Hood shootings and Muslim Americans' reactions.
The Southern: Muslims: Fort Hood attack ‘monstrous, unjust'
"This single act of an individual probably will overshadow the reality of millions of Americans who lead good lives every day as honorable citizens loving their faith, loving their country and appreciating the sacrifices of those who protect us," said Ahmed Rehab.
ABC 7: Muslim community concerned about backlash
"There are some seven million Muslims in America who are all peaceful, patriotic and support our troops so along with being deeply saddened and horrified by these events we are also concerned that people might call into question our patriotism and loyalty to this country," said Amina Sharif, Council On American Islamic Relations.
CAIR-Chicago in 9/11 TV/Radio Specials
CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab; Communications Coordinator, Sultan Muhammad, and Volunteer Activist, Shefah Samaan.
CBS 2: Muslim Community Reacts To Scrutiny (Transcript/Video)
(CBS) CHICAGO When the threat-level of terrorism rises, many members of the Muslim community become uneasy.