Meet our new staff members!
CAIR-Chicago proudly welcomes two new staff members to our team. Meet our new Communications Coordinator, Ambreen Zuberi, and also our new Office Coordinator, Noor Salahuddin.
Vocalo, CAIR-Chicago Audio-Documentary: The Media and Islamophobia
CAIR-Chicago intern, Becky Fogel, created this audio documentary for Vocalo and Chicago Public Media on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks to share perspectives on the media's role in harboring Islamophobia. Becky interviewed civil rights activists in the Muslim community and had them share their thoughts on how public perception of Muslims has changed since 9/11.
Singaporean delegation visits CAIR-Chicago
CAIR-Chicago staff hosted civil leaders from Singapore for a discussion on Muslim-American issues and activism.
Civil Rights Vlog #4: Free Gaza Flotilla II
CAIR-Chicago Intern Noor Salahuddin discusses the humanitarian flotilla to Gaza that was prevented from delivering aid by Greek authorities at an Athens port. Noor dispels false claims made by Israeli officials in their attempts to delegitimize the humanitarian mission.
CAIR-Chicago Immigration Vlog #2 with Noor Salahuddin
CAIR-Chicago Communications Intern Noor Salahuddin discusses new Georgia ID laws and the impact on undocumented immigrants.
CAIR Chicago Immigration Vlog #1 with Noor Salahuddin
Noor Salahuddin discusses immigration issues in CAIR-Chicago's Immigration Vlog. In this session Noor dispels common U.S. immigration myths.