Huffington Post: Poll: North Carolina Voters Say No To Exploiting NYC Islamic Cultural Center In 2010 Elections
"We're tired of candidates who take us for granted -- or worse yet, insult our intelligence -- instead of doing the leg work to earn our votes on the merit of their character and track record," said Ahmed Rehab, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Chicago.
FOX Business: Ahmed Rehab debates Islamophobe Pamela Geller on Park51
Ahmed Rehab deconstructs Pamela Geller's fear mongering misinformation campaign against the Park51 community center in New York and exposes her anti-Muslim bigotry.
FOX News: Ahmed Rehab Debates Whether America is Islamophobic
Ahmed Rehab debates guests on Fox Business' Money Rocks regarding the rise of Islamophobia in America as seen by recent attacks against several mosques. Rehab and conservative commentator Bo Dietel also debate the merits of building a mosque in lower Manhattan, near Ground Zero.
Christian Science Monitor: Mosque debate: Behind America's anxiety over Islam
"The fear is that Muslims cannot take their place in American life without harassment or subjugation or being seen as being involved with some conspiracy theory," says Ahmed Rehab of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Christian Science Monitor: Mosque debate: Behind America's anxiety over Islam
"The fear is that Muslims cannot take their place in American life without harassment or subjugation or being seen as being involved with some conspiracy theory," says Ahmed Rehab of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
FOX Chicago: "Islamophobia" and America's Relationship with its Muslim citizens
Mosque debates are taking place across the county, from New York City to Chicago to the surrounding suburbs. They are not all about zoning, but for the most part they are very heated. Ahmed Rehab says "islamophobia" is sweeping America. The leader of the Council on American-Islamic Relations describes the status of America's Relationship with its Muslim citizens.
FOX Chicago: "Islamophobia" and America's Relationship with its Muslim citizens
Mosque debates are taking place across the county, from New York City to Chicago to the surrounding suburbs. They are not all about zoning, but for the most part they are very heated. Ahmed Rehab says "islamophobia" is sweeping America. The leader of the Council on American-Islamic Relations describes the status of America's Relationship with its Muslim citizens.
NBC Nightly News: NYC Cabbie Stabbed Because he is Muslim
"Organizations that are not only Islamophobic but that incite violence, whether directly or indirectly, are a reality," said Ahmed Rehab.
Huffington Post: Tea Party Reveals Real Reason Behind Mosque Opposition Frenzy
"In the public sphere, leaders of the opposition groups to the Not-At-Ground-Zero-Muslim-Center can't seem to decide on an argument. They have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at us in the way of fabricated reasons," writes Ahmed Rehab.
MSNBC: Ahmed Rehab Discusses Stabbing of Muslim Cab Driver in NYC and Anti-Muslim Propaganda
Ahmed Rehab, CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, discusses the stabbing of a Muslim cab driver in NYC whose attacker first asked "are you Muslim?". Rehab also talks about the danger of anti-Muslim propaganda driven by Islamophobes opposed to Park 51, the proposed Muslim community center near Ground Zero.
Action Alert: Thank Sen. Durbin for Supporting Religious Freedoms
CAIR-Chicago, CIOGC are asking the Illinois Muslim community and all Illinois citizens to thank IL Senator Dick Durbin for taking a bold and uncompromising stance supporting the core principles of this country. Yesterday, Senator Durbin issued a statement in support of Park51, the proposed mosque in lower Manhattan. Durbin said that politicians like Palin and Gingrich who are opposed to the mosque are trying to divide the country with fear and hate.
Chicago Tribune: Taxi ads stir controversy: Ads imply leaving Islam is dangerous for women
The Council on American Islamic Relations is considering legal action regarding the ads. Ahmed Rehab, executive director of CAIR-Chicago, said organizations such as Geller's are not qualified to lead domestic violence initiatives. But Rehab suspects that's not their primary goal. Instead, he said, they are intentionally creating an uncomfortable work environment for Chicago's cabdrivers.