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WBEZ, Worldview: Ahmed Rehab on the continuing Egyptian crisis

Ahmed Rehab discusses Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi's new deal with the country’s top judicial authorities that would limit the scope of the self-appointed powers he’d taken last week. Morsi’s power grab had set off a series of violent protests in Egypt over the last few days.

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Columbia Chronicle: Anti-Muslim sentiment reigniting the flames

The recent release of anti-Islam movie “Innocence of Muslims” and anti-Muslim advertisements in New York City’s subway system have caused rage among Muslims in the Middle East. The Chronicle interviewed local Muslims at the Downtown Islamic Center and CAIR (Council on American-Islam Relations) Chicago and asked for their reactions to it.

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Moving of G8 summit fails to move protestors

Although Obama relocated the G8 summit from Chicago to Camp David, activists still plan to protest the NATO summit. The G8 summit was planned to take place on May18 and 19 and May 20 and 21 for the NATO summit, since last summer. Activists readied themselves to protest the lack of efforts by these organizations until Obama announced the transfer of the G8 summit. Activists believe the summit was moved for one reason: fear.

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ABC 7: Ahmed Rehab Back From Egypt and Reflecting on the Revolution

"The stereotype that the Arab world, or the Muslim world, is forever stuck between dictatorship on one end and Islamist extremist theocracy a la Iran on the other end has been defeated with the people saying there's a third alternative. It's called democracy and that's what we want," said Rehab.

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