San Gabriel Valley Tribune: Debra Saunders - Sanctimony city
Debra Saunders reviews the recent controversy in San Francisco over Pamela Geller's #MyJihad counter-campaign.
Muslim Matters: #MyJihad - The ‘struggle’ to reclaim Islam
Muslim Matters discusses the goal of #MyJihad Public Education Campaign and sheds light on how it is successfully driving home the message that 'jihad' in actuality refers to a concerted effort or struggle, namely by an individual in the path of God.
Huffington Post: San Francisco anti-Islam bus ads ignite controversy
The Huffington Post reports on the San Francisco public transit authority's fight against anti-Islamic ads sponsored by the AFDI. The ads that closely resemble the #Myjihad Public Education Campaign ads are sparking controversy and inspired SFMTA to donate all revenue generated from the ads to the city's Human Rights Commission.
Mercury News: San Francisco - 'My Jihad' Islamic education campaign kicks off on Muni buses
Council on American-Islamic Relations has put up dozens of advertisements on San Francisco Municipal Railway buses this week to reclaim connotations of the word "jihad," according to campaign organizers.
SF Appeal: "My Jihad" Campaign Kicks Off On Muni Buses
An educational campaign led by the Council on American-Islamic Relations has put up dozens of advertisements on San Francisco Municipal Railway buses this week to reclaim connotations of the word "jihad," according to campaign organizers.
Examiner: #MyJihad Launches in San Francisco
There is a public education campaign making some waves titled "#MyJihad." Their homepage proclaims their mission as “Taking back Islam from Muslim and anti-Muslim extremists alike.”
Huffington Post: My Jihad, Ad Campaign, Rolls Out On San Francisco Buses
For the second time in recent months, billboards on side of San Francisco's fleet of buses have become the front lines in a fight over the place of Islam in American popular culture.
USA TODAY: Bus ads aim to explain the meaning of 'jihad'
The campaign's founder says extremists — Muslim and anti-Muslim alike — have distorted the meaning of a word that moderates define as personal — not armed — struggles.
KTVU FOX 2: #MyJihad campaign reaches San Francisco Muni buses
KTVU FOX 2 in Oakland, California reports on the #MyJihad campaign appearing on San Francisco Muni buses.
KGO ABC 7: SF buses help teach what 'jihad' really means
Buses in San Francisco are carrying messages of jihad, but it's not what you might think. It's a campaign to educate residents about the real meaning of the word. It's a campaign that began in Chicago and has now reached the Bay Area.
KQED: 'My Jihad' Ad Campaign Launched on SF Buses
Concerned that many people misunderstand the term -- and have negative stereotypes of Muslims -- the Council on American-Islamic Relations has launched a an advertising campaign on San Francisco buses.
Press Release: "MyJihad" ads now circulating on San Francisco buses, still in Chicago
(CHICAGO, IL, 1/3/2012) — CAIR-Chicago announced today that the "MyJihad Educational Campaign" has officially launched in San Francisco as 35 king-size bus ads started circulating via the Muni bus system.
Press Release: "MyJihad" ads now circulating on San Francisco buses, still in Chicago
(CHICAGO, IL, 1/3/2012) — CAIR-Chicago announced today that the "MyJihad Educational Campaign" has officially launched in San Francisco as 35 king-size bus ads started circulating via the Muni bus system.
Press Release: "MyJihad" ads are up on Chicago buses! National campaign launch (VIDEO/PHOTOS)
(CHICAGO, IL, 12/13/2012) — On Friday, December 14, the Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) will announce the launch of the "MyJihad” educational campaign at a press conference in the morning and at a community party in the afternoon.
Press Release: "MyJihad" ads are up on Chicago buses! National campaign launch (VIDEO/PHOTOS)
(CHICAGO, IL, 12/13/2012) — On Friday, December 14, the Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) will announce the launch of the "MyJihad” educational campaign at a press conference in the morning and at a community party in the afternoon.