ISIS and the Islamic State: A Panel Discussion at Purdue University
On February 11, CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab was a panelist for an event hosted at Purdue University. Approximately 400 people were in attendance to see Rehab discuss the threat ISIS, along with Professor of Islamic Studies Scott Alexander, and author, attorney, and political philosopher Rafia Zakaria.
Interfaith Leaders Hold Press Conference; Support DuPage Mosque
CAIR-Chicago participated in an interfaith press conference held on behalf of the Muslim Education and Cultural Center of America (MECCA), the third mosque denied a permit in DuPage County in the past year.
Presentation at Saint Xavier University's 3rd Annual Interfaith Expo
WHAT: Ethics and Interfaith Relations Panel; CAIR-Chicago Internship Opportunities Booth WHEN: Tuesday, April 21, 2009; 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Muslim Youth Leadership Symposium Celebrates 1st Anniversary
Sunday September 14, 2008, marked the completion the fourth Muslim Youth Leadership Symposium (MYLS) sponsored by the Chicago chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago). The latest event was held at the DePaul University College of Law.
Fighting the Evil of the New Anti-Semitism
The scriptures of Judaism, Christianity and Islam teach us that the virtue of repentance-wholly different from self-loathing-is absolutely central to the moral life.