Vocalo, CAIR-Chicago Audio-Documentary: The Media and Islamophobia

CAIR-Chicago intern, Becky Fogel, created this audio documentary for Vocalo and Chicago Public Media on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks to share perspectives on the media's role in harboring Islamophobia. Becky interviewed civil rights activists in the Muslim community and had them share their thoughts on how public perception of Muslims has changed since 9/11.

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Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad

Article Stereotypes Muslim marriages

The Associated Press article "Soap opera shakes customs of Arab married life" (July 28) was a nice change from the usual stories that only show Muslims in the context of political oppression and warfare. Unfortunately, the article is still guilty of conveying gross generalizations of Arab and Muslim people

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Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Daily Herald: Article stereotypes Muslim marriages

The Associated Press article "Soap opera shakes customs of Arab married life" (July 28) was a nice change from the usual stories that only show Muslims in the context of political oppression and warfare. Unfortunately, the article is still guilty of conveying gross generalizations of Arab and Muslim people. It suggests that Islam doesn't condone equal rights for husbands and wives.

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Islam Online: US Muslim Women Attorneys

CAIRO — Coming from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, a group of American Muslim women are forming the country's first only-women law firm to dispel stereotypes about Muslim women. "They are defeating stereotypes on multiple levels," Ahmed Rehab, executive director of theChicago office of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), told the Chicago Tribune on Friday, August 1.

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Media Monitors Network: Since When is Muslim a Smear? A Deeper Look at the New Yorker Obama Cartoon

From CNN's Glenn Beck to Comedy Central's Daily Show, and from The Weekly Standard to The Nation, America’s political pundits hold wildly varying opinions on almost everything. But when it comes to Islam and Muslims, both ends of the political spectrum are too often equally comfortable with simplistic two-dimensional treatments that end up reducing Islam’s more than one billion followers to caricatures and stereotypes.

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Anti Hate Center, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Anti Hate Center, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Media Monitors Network: Joe Kaufman: Don Quixote Meets Meir Kahane

Kahanist and amateur blogger, Joe Kaufman, is a strange character that lies somewhere between the disturbing and the comical. Styling himself as a gumshoe detective out to expose the nefarious fifth column activities of American Muslims, he sees enemies and conspiracy theories at every corner and in every American Muslim organization.

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