Media Monitor, Media Mentions, Opinion Corner, Events & Workshops CAIR-Chicago Communications Media Monitor, Media Mentions, Opinion Corner, Events & Workshops CAIR-Chicago Communications

WATCH: Is It Hate Speech or Do You Hate Speech?

(CHICAGO, IL, 4/25/2024) - Executive Director of CAIR-Chicago, Ahmed Rehab, joined panelists at University of Chicago Institute of Politics to explore the complex, shifting landscape of free speech in today's digital age.

In an era where voices claim to be censored, canceled, and deplatformed, questions arise about the boundaries and protections of free expression.

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Features, Opinion Corner MyJihad MyJihad Features, Opinion Corner MyJihad MyJihad

Actions speak louder than words: The West’s role in international arms trade

In recent memory, the West, led by the U.S., has intervened in several cases to rid a country of an authoritarian government and put in its place a more democratic system. However, there is also a long track record of propping up regimes, for strategic and economic reasons, that embody everything the West claims to stand against.

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