Winter-Spring 2013 Intern Class graduates! [PHOTOS]
CAIR-Chicago would again like to thank and congratulate its Winter-Spring 2013 interns for being a spirited, dedicated, and driven team of budding professional activists.
Poll monitor training - November 1st at CAIR-Chicago!
Illinois is home to the Midwest’s largest Asian American population, which grew by 41% in the last 10 years! This election year, help protect the voting rights of the Asian American community so that their political voice can be fully heard!
Request a "Know Your Rights" training by CAIR-Chicago
Do you know your rights? Request a "Know Your Rights" training by CAIR-Chicago at your local mosque, community center or place of worship.
Request a "Know Your Rights" training by CAIR-Chicago
Do you know your rights? Request a "Know Your Rights" training by CAIR-Chicago at your local mosque, community center or place of worship.
FBI Counterterrorism Training Curriculum Proves Islamophobic
Communications Intern, Dima Ansari, discusses Islamophobic FBI Training Materials
Deputy Director and Communications Coordinator Lead Activist Training at ICIRR
CAIR-Chicago's Deputy Director, Sufyan Sohel, and Communications Coordinator, Amina Sharif, lead a training seminar for new fellows in ICIRR's Unite America program.
CAIR-Chicago trains ICIRR Fellows
On November 15th, Gerald Hankerson, CAIR-Chicago’s Outreach Coordinator, conducted an event planning workshop for the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights’ (ICIRR) “Uniting America” fellowship. Hankerson trained 18 fellows on how to reach out to the community.