ACTION ALERT: Take the CAIR-Chicago 2012 General Elections Community Survey!
To help us with information in our upcoming General Elections Voter Guide, we are gauging the political perspectives of our community. Please take a moment to complete our survey!
CAIR-Chicago is hiring a NADP Fellow - apply today!
The NADP Fellowship is a prestigious, intensive field and training program for young community leaders interested in electoral politics and community organizing. Apply today!
Albany Park Post: Muslim Leaders Urge Voting, Oppose View it's Sinful
While CAIR-Chicago believes that Hizb ut-Tahrir has a right to their views that Muslim's shouldn't vote, the organization says that American Muslims must be civically engaged, from voting to running for office. Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson specifically objected to the organizations point that even though Muslims have voted in the United States and around the world, it’s done them little good.
VOA News: Muslim Americans Urge Community Members to Vote in Upcoming Election
CAIR-Chicago Outreach Coordinater Gerald Hankerson discusses Muslim American involement in this election:"Even with the election cycle there is much argument and debate whether Muslims should be involved. One way or another we are living here, and our life is being impacted by whether or not we decide to offer our voice and our balance. So most definitely religion may factor into it on certain issues, such as immigration reform, such as protecting first amendment rights, because we definitely want to see that our faith is not impeded for us to be truly considered Americans,"
Frequency TV: Gerald Hankerson on NewsBeat Election Special
Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson discusses the importance and the potential power of mobilizing young people to vote in elections. He describes some of the efforts CAIR-Chicago makes to reach young people early in life, to instill in them a sense of civic duty.
VOA News: Asian Americans Have Many of Same Election Day Concerns as Other Groups
"For American Muslims, the biggest concern right now is the quality and tone of the debate," added Rehab. "Whether this debate is on our national security, or our jobs or the economy or even the place of Muslims in America, our concern is that the nature of the debate in America has become more and more divisive, cynical, frenzied, paranoid, and we are very concerned about that and we wish that they debate itself, regardless of the positions people take, to be rooted in more intellect and empirical analysis and honest debate and mutual understanding."
Our Voice, Our Vote: Muslim Americans Are Viable Partners in Deciding America's Future
We are the most diverse religious community in this nation, representing people different needs and interests, who grow in complexity and variance. We all pay taxes to maintain the upkeep of our neighborhoods and its institutions. And we have a responsibility to make our voice count—we can, and should vote.
Voting Information
CAIR-Chicago shares information about voting, where to go and what to expect.
Sun-Times: Muslim Americans rally to get out vote
"American Muslims are not a threat to this nation," said Ahmed Rehab, executive director of the Chicago chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. "The threat to this nation is those who would divide us based on race, faith or ethnicity because those are the ones who undermine our values."
Sun-Times: Tuesday- Last day to Register to Vote
"We know people don't vote in midterm elections like they do for presidential elections," said Ali Malik, American Democracy Project fellow at CAIR-Chicago. "But I'm telling people that for us in the Muslim community it goes far beyond the controversy over the proposed New York City Ground Zero mosque. There is serious Islamophobia going on and we need to vote for people who will represent all voters equally."
Get Out and Vote Today! Take Friends and Family to the Polls
CAIR-Chicago's office will be closed today as it mobilizes the Muslim community to let their voice be heard by a strong voter representation this Election Day.
Washington Post: Muslims strive for tolerance -- and votes
Mukit Hossain has been up since 5 a.m., crisscrossing Northern Virginia in his tiny 10-year-old pickup truck to help turn out the Muslim vote in a presidential campaign that has left many Muslims feeling marginalized.
CNN.com: Muslim-American voices heard in presidential race
Muslim-Americans say they are more interested than ever before in the political process, in part because their religion has been reduced to a talking point in the presidential campaign.
Daily Herald: Muslims fighting citizenship delays may have ray of hope
Feature 277 After 12 years living, studying, and working legally in the United States, Sheeraz Iqbal sought to trade in his Pakistani citizenship and swear allegiance to America for good.
Register to Vote Today! Be Part of this Historical Election
Are you over the age of 18 or will be before November 4, 2008? Are you a U.S. citizen? Have you moved recently from another state or changed addresses locally?