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Amina Sharif of CAIR-Chicago on the Lowe's Scandal

Amina Sharif is the communications coordinator for the Council on American-Islamic Relations Chicago Chapter. She speaks with Vocalo's Shantell Jamison about the recent Lowe's decision to pull ad space from TLC's "All American Muslim" program and what this says about the American sentiment of Islam.

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Audio Clips, Features, Multimedia, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Audio Clips, Features, Multimedia, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Amina Sharif of CAIR-Chicago on the Lowe's Scandal

Amina Sharif is the communications coordinator for the Council on American-Islamic Relations Chicago Chapter. She speaks with Vocalo's Shantell Jamison about the recent Lowe's decision to pull ad space from TLC's "All American Muslim" program and what this says about the American sentiment of Islam.

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WGN Radio: Jonathon Brandmeier talks to CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab about Lowe's All-American Muslim Controversy

CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab talks to WGN Radio's Jonathon Brandmeier about how the home improvement chain, Lowe's, gave in to anti-Muslim bigotry when it decided to pull its ads off the show 'All-American Muslim'.

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WGN Radio: Jonathon Brandmeier talks to CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab about Lowe's All-American Muslim Controversy

CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab talks to WGN Radio's Jonathon Brandmeier about how the home improvement chain, Lowe's, gave in to anti-Muslim bigotry when it decided to pull its ads off the show 'All-American Muslim'.

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Anti Hate Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Anti Hate Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Islamophobia Today: Let’s Face it - It’s the Radical Right, not Islam, that is the Greatest Threat to the American Way

Ahmed Rehab discusses the ridiculous decision by the chain store Lowe’s to pull it advertisements from the show ‘All-American Muslim.’ “Imagine if a major American advertiser were to pull its ads off of 'Jersey Shore' because they received objections that the show, while portraying a group of Italian-Americans, made the glaring error of excluding Mafiosi," writes Rehab.

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NBC 5: CAIR-Chicago Criticizes Lowe's for Pulling Ads from 'All-American Muslim'

"We were really disappointed and stunned that Lowe's, a major corporation, would take such a stupid decision to side with bigotry," said Ahmed Rehab, executive director of CAIR-Chicago. Rehab called the group's action a step in the wrong direction and an insult to the Muslim community.

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NBC 5: CAIR-Chicago Criticizes Lowe's for Pulling Ads from 'All-American Muslim'

"We were really disappointed and stunned that Lowe's, a major corporation, would take such a stupid decision to side with bigotry," said Ahmed Rehab, executive director of CAIR-Chicago. Rehab called the group's action a step in the wrong direction and an insult to the Muslim community.

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Anti Hate Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Anti Hate Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Chicago Tribune: Lowe's criticized after fleeing Muslim reality show

Chicago activist, Ahmed Rehab, said a conference call was planned with Muslim groups and other groups to craft a response. He said it is not too late, however, for Lowe's to fix things. "There will be room for reconciliation," he said. "We would call on Lowe's to do the right thing and apologize for their really insane action and to reverse the decision to pull out."

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Anti Hate Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Anti Hate Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Chicago Tribune: Lowe's criticized after fleeing Muslim reality show

Chicago activist, Ahmed Rehab, said a conference call was planned with Muslim groups and other groups to craft a response. He said it is not too late, however, for Lowe's to fix things. "There will be room for reconciliation," he said. "We would call on Lowe's to do the right thing and apologize for their really insane action and to reverse the decision to pull out."

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