Daily Herald: DuPage County Board to vote to end legal dispute with Islamic group
Kevin Vodak, CAIR-Chicago's Litigation Director, defends the Irshad Learning Center near Naperville and aims to help them restore the center with a conditional-use permit.
Join CAIR-Chicago at Zaytuna College's Fundraising Dinner - Sat. April 28th
Join us on Saturday, April 28th, in celebrating Zaytuna College on another successful year of accomplishment and academic growth. They have an exciting opportunity to secure a permanent campus in Berkeley, California, that will firmly root Zaytuna in one of the major intellectual centers of the United States.
Join CAIR-Chicago at Zaytuna College's Fundraising Dinner - Sat. April 28th
Join us on Saturday, April 28th, in celebrating Zaytuna College on another successful year of accomplishment and academic growth. They have an exciting opportunity to secure a permanent campus in Berkeley, California, that will firmly root Zaytuna in one of the major intellectual centers of the United States.
Join CAIR-Chicago for Illinois Muslim Action Day in Springfield, Illinois
The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago is organizing a statewide day of Action to the Muslim community. Join CIOGC with other Muslim communities to speak to our state legislators in our state capitol. Buses will drive down to Springfield so that all Illinois Muslims may be able to advocate for common good together.
ACTION ALERT: Vote in the Illinois Primary Election on March 20th! Download our voter guide!
The CAIR-Chicago Primary Election Voter Guide is designed to make voting easier for you by informing you of your choices and the backgrounds of candidates. Get informed and make your voice heard!
CAIR-Chicago staff conduct sensitivity training at Greyhound
CAIR-Chicago's Staff Attorney Rabya Khan and Communications Coordinators Aymen Abdel Halim and Leena Saleh visited Greyhound employees on March 12th and 13th to deliver cultural awareness presentations in an effort to improve customer relations and to gain a better understanding of the American-Muslim community.
FBI Counterterrorism Training Curriculum Proves Islamophobic
Communications Intern, Dima Ansari, discusses Islamophobic FBI Training Materials
DREAM or Nightmare?
A 21-year-old recent college graduate discusses their experience as an undocumented immigrant, and the implications of the DREAM Act for them and their family.
Join Us for Illinois Muslim Action Day in Springfield, Illinois
The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC) is organizing a statewide day of action for the Muslim community. Join CAIR-Chicago and thousands of Illinois Muslims in visiting our Capitol and speaking to our state legislators.
Communications Coordinator Amina Sharif speaks at UIC
CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator Amina Sharif delivered a presentation to students at the University of Illinois at Chicago on Wednesday, Nov. 18th to share how CAIR-Chicago engages with the media and advocates for a fair depiction of Muslim-Americans.
Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson Presents to Jewish Youth Group
Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson presented a workshop to a Jewish Youth Group at Beth Emet the Free Synagogue in Evanston. Hankerson provided and introduction to the concepts of Islam and a profile of the Muslim-American community. The workshop served as the kick off to an educational and interfaith program between the synagogue and the Muslim Educational Center (MEC) in Morton Grove.
Gallup Poll Finds Americans More Prejudiced Against Islam, Muslims than Other Major Faiths
According to Gallup, more than 4 in 10 Americans (43%) admit to feeling at least "a little" prejudice toward Muslims. This is more than twice the number who say the same about Christians (18%), and almost three times more than that of Jews (15%) and Buddhists (14%). The poll questioned Americans about knowledge of Islam, to which 63% of Americans said they have "very little" knowledge or "none at all."
CAIR-Chicago to Participate in 3rd Annual Interfaith Dialogue Series
CAIR-Chicago will participate in the 3rd Annual “In Good Faith Series”, a trilateral Abrahamic interfaith dialogue hosted by the Catholic Theological Union.
Senior Outreach Coordinator to Speak on Islam at the Eisenhower Library
CAIR-Chicago's Senior Outreach Coordinator, Dina Rehab, will be giving a presentation on Islam at the Eisenhower Library.