Fourth Presbyterian Church holding immigration panel discussion
The Fourth Presbyterian Church is holding an immigration reform panel discussion today, November 21st, at 6:30 pm in Chicago.
ACTION ALERT: Call Senator Kirk About DREAM Act Vote - NOW!
The DREAM Act is finally being put to a vote in the Senate TOMORROW, and it's going to be a very close vote. Our IL. Senator, Mark Kirk, is saying he will vote NO on the bill. That is why you must contact him and demand he do what is right for America. Demand that he vote YES.
Senator Lindsey Graham Threatens Constitutional Right to Birthright Citizenship
CAIR-Chicago Staff Attorney Kevin Vodak discusses the absurdity of proposed legislation aimed at limiting citizenship rights.
Unity Rally for Immigration Reform at the DREAM Act with State Legislators
Come join CAIR-Chicago at the Unity Rally for Immigration Reform and the DREAM Act with Our State Legislators.
ACTION ALERT: Join May Day Rally - This Saturday!!
The recent blow to immigration reform in Arizona shows that now more than ever we need to send a strong message to our officials in Congress that the time to wait for comprehensive immigration reform is over - we need to act now.
The President and Congress have made too many unmet promises regarding our unjust immigration system. Join CAIR-Chicago, the Mosque Foundation, ICIRR, and communities across the nation in showing our elected officials that we want a comprehensive fix to our broken and inhumane immigration system.
FREE bus rides to Washington D.C. available - You just have to come!
How YOU can Help Immigration Reform TODAY
Yesterday, Congressman Luis Gutierrez and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus introduced their immigration reform bill, aptly titled the "CIR ASAP Act." Its the first bill to provide a comprehensive plan, and clearly lays out many of the realistic solutions that we have been pushing for.
Join Interfaith Vigil on International Human Rights Day - Dec. 10th
Join the Jewish-Muslim Community Building Initiative (JMCBI) and other allies of faith on this day to emphasize the call of our faith traditions to welcome immigrants into our society.
Join CAIR-Chicago to Rally for Immigration Reform
Join CAIR-Chicago to rally against deportations and support Rigo Padilla, a 21-year old active Chicago college student who faces deportation on December 16.
Fifth Immigration Vigil Today outside Rep. Kirk's Office
Support CAIR-Chicago and other individuals of conscience today, and all through September, in making comprehensive immigration reform a priority in Congress.
Fourth Immigration Vigil Today outside Rep. Kirk's Office
Support CAIR-Chicago and other individuals of conscience today, and all through September, in making comprehensive immigration reform a priority in Congress.
Third Immigration Vigil Today outside Rep. Kirk's Office
Support CAIR-Chicago and other individuals of conscience today, and all through September, in making comprehensive immigration reform a priority in Congress.
Second Immigration Vigil Today outside Rep. Kirk's Office
Support CAIR-Chicago and other individuals of conscience today, and all through September, in making comprehensive immigration reform a priority in Congress.
JOIN IMMIGRATION VIGIL TODAY and THRU SEPT. Rally outside Congressman Kirk's Office
Support CAIR-Chicago and other individuals of conscience today, and all through September, in making comprehensive immigration reform a priority in Congress.
First Immigration Vigil Today outside Rep. Kirk's Office
Support CAIR-Chicago and other individuals of conscience today, and all through September, in making comprehensive immigration reform a priority in Congress.
Immigration Groups Protest Rep. Kirk’s Bid for Senate Seat
North Shore Congressman Mark Kirk announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate on Monday, July 20. CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, and CAIR-Chicago interns joined the Illinois Coalition for Immigration and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) in a peaceful protest during the press conference held in Kenilworth.
Join Interfaith Vigil for Immigration Reform
Please join CAIR-Chicago and leaders from across local religious communities in support of making comprehensive immigration reform a priority this year.
Join CAIR-Chicago at "Reform Immigration FOR America" Campaign Launch!
Please join the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR), along with CAIR-Chicago and other advocacy and community organizations, for the Illinois launch of the national immigration campaign "Reform Immigration FOR America."