Outreach Coordinator Will Tour Turkey with Local Interfaith Delegation
Gerald Hankerson, CAIR-Chicago's Outreach Coordinator, will travel with a dozen Chicago area community leaders involved in interfaith to Turkey.
CAIR-Chicago to Receive Interfaith Multi-regional Delegation
Continuing our efforts to connect with Muslims from around the world and enhance a mutual understanding of Islam within American society and culture, CAIR-Chicago will host a delegation of community leaders from 20 different countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe.
Youth Coordinator to Attend Philippine Youth Leadership Program
What: Philippine Youth Leadership Program (PYLP), Workshop on "The Challenges and Opportunities of Spiritually Based Activism"
Filmmakers From West Bank and State Dept. Officials to Visit CAIR-Chicago
Film Makers from the West Bank and State Department officials will visit the CAIR-Chicago office this upcoming Saturday and Monday. The 3-man news team from Palestine is working on a State Department-supported project titled "Muslim Life in America."
CAIR-National Chairman Shaw to Join Galloway and others at Muslim Legal Fund Dinner
CAIR-National Chairman Shaw to Join Galloway and others at Muslim Legal Fund Dinner
MYLS Presenting Youth Leadership Workshop to Philippine Delegation at NIU
MYLS Coordinator Mokaram Rauf and Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson will present a workshop on Youth Leadership in Civic Engagement and Community Service at Northern Illinois University (NIU) in DeKalb.