An Evening on Islam and Muslims in Indonesia and Malaysia - May 16th
Professor Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud will highlight new developments within the regions and discuss Indonesian and Malaysian cultures and traditions.
Gerald Hankerson and Amina Sharif Present at Northwestern University
Gerald Hankerson, CAIR-Chicago’s Outreach Coordinator, and Amina Sharif, the Communications Coordinator, presented to a religion and culture class at Northwestern University on Thursday, April 21. The two discussed the role race and ethnicity play in the American Muslim experience.
Survey proves bias stem from ignorance
Thank you for printing your Sept. 10 article "Survey: Muslims face a lot of bias," featuring a Pew Research Center study on growing tolerance by Americans toward Muslims. This piece brings awareness to the fact that Muslims all over America have often been victims of discrimination.
Unique illustration of religious diversity
I enjoyed reading “Faithfully delicious,” about Yvonne Maffei, a Muslim of Puerto Rican and Sicilian heritage who blogs about halal cooking. The article on Maffei and her husband, who is of Mexican and Italian heritage, reflects the ethnic diversity among American Muslims.
Encouraging Words in Ramadan Story
Thank you for printing "Ramadan Reflections," which features firsthand accounts by Muslim college students celebrating Ramadan in the United States.
Outreach Coordinator to Speak at Northwestern's "Religious Awareness Week"
What: Interfaith Career & Interest Fair Where: Northwestern University, Parkes Hall 122
Religion News Service: 100 years later, Ahmadi Muslims face new challenges
When Zahir Mian's prayer clock rings to announce the sunset prayer, he politely excuses himself and performs his ritual pre-prayer ablution, unfurls a prayer rug towards Mecca, and prays like any Muslim.Not all followers of Islam, however, would consider Mian a fellow Musli
Chicago Sun-Times: Obama's apology lessens the snub from Muslim shunning
Maybe I'm hyper-jaded or have been in this business too long. But when I learned some of Barack Obama's volunteers kept Muslim women in "hijab" or the traditional Islamic head scarf from sitting behind the Democratic presidential candidate at a campaign rally last week, my irritation was laced with a yawn.
Columnist Wrong in Cynicism about Peace
I was surprised to read in the column by Ray Hanania, "Don't let violence sabotage efforts toward peace," that Christians, Muslims and Jews have "never lived together in peace."
Dan Rea Nightside WBZ Newsradio 1030: Ramadan Joins Christmas, Hanukkah at Local Chicago School
CAIR-Chicago executive director, Ahmed Rehab, discusses the recent successful inclusion of Ramadan along with Christmas and Hanukkah celebrations after opposition from parents at a local public school. Dan Rea and Rehab also discuss how the reasonable accommodation of all cultures and religions is central to American pluralism.
The Economist: Constructing conflict: The politics of mosque-building
In many Western cities, plans to erect mosques often stir more passion than any other local issue—and politicians are leaping into the fray
Illinois Alumni Magazine May/June: Acts of Faith Eboo Patel Works Toward a World where Religions are Respected
Eboo Patel ‘96 LAS has the radical idea that people from other religions shouldn’t kill each other. “Why are religious extremists getting to young people before we do?” he asked. “Why don’t we build a different pattern, a pattern of religious pluralism?”
Upholding American Pluralism
Richard Haling's opinion "Fight Them in Iraq, Not Here." (Dec.29) is an embarrassment to American pluralism. Haling's article shows a disturbing confusion regarding the difference between Muslims and terrorists.
Freedom of Religion
"A crucible for secularism," by Tom Hundley was an incendiary piece of journalism that offends the ideals of a pluralistic society, and characterizing religious people – both Muslim and Christian – in a negative light (Page 1, June 19). The tone of the article uses the classic "us versus them" schoolyard tactic to pit Islam and Christianity as competing for the supremacy of Europe and then dismisses both as thorns in the side of secularism.
Multifaith Home is Right Step
University of Chicago’s decision to renovate the basement of Rockefeller Chapel so that all of its faith groups have a place to worship should be applauded nationwide (“U. of C. seeks to give home to all of its faiths,” Aug. 26).