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Columbia Chronicle: Anti-Muslim sentiment reigniting the flames

The recent release of anti-Islam movie “Innocence of Muslims” and anti-Muslim advertisements in New York City’s subway system have caused rage among Muslims in the Middle East. The Chronicle interviewed local Muslims at the Downtown Islamic Center and CAIR (Council on American-Islam Relations) Chicago and asked for their reactions to it.

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Chicago coalition speaks out against the bloodshed in Syria

United Coalition of national and local Syrian-American and Muslim-American organizations joined by Chicago family members of those Killed spoke at a press conference held at the CAIR-Chicago office, on August 27, to discuss steps to end the bloodshed in Syria.

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MEDIA DIGEST: CAIR-Chicago's reaction to anti-Muslim attacks in Ill., Governor Pat Quinn Speaks Out

CAIR-Chicago gave numerous interviews on different media venues addressing the recent anti-Muslim attacks in Morton Grove and Lombard, Ill., while also receiving a statement from governor Pat Quinn, condemning the attacks.

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MEDIA DIGEST: CAIR-Chicago's reaction to anti-Muslim attacks in Ill., Governor Pat Quinn Speaks Out

CAIR-Chicago gave numerous interviews on different media venues addressing the recent anti-Muslim attacks in Morton Grove and Lombard, Ill., while also receiving a statement from governor Pat Quinn, condemning the attacks.

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MEDIA DIGEST: Standing up to Congressman Joe Walsh

CAIR-Chicago's media department gave over 20 interviews on 16 different media venues calling out Congressman Joe Walsh's bigoted comments on Islam and Muslims. The following digest includes a selection of these interviews.

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