Support the Budget for Black Lives: Contact Toni Preckwinkle!


Believers Bail Out has endorsed the Cook County Budget for Black Lives, a campaign to persuade county commissioners to divest $157 million from the Cook County Jail in order to reduce harm and reinvest that money in good jobs, mental health care, safe housing, restorative justice, anti-violence programs and other resources that allow Black, Brown, and poor communities to thrive.

CAIR-Chicago is you to take one very important action: Contact your Cook County Commissioner and President Preckwinkle about adopting the Budget for Black Lives. 

President Preckwinkle just released her 2021 budget proposal. Although it does not go far enough in divesting from Cook County Jail, it clearly reflects the pressure created by our campaign and the larger movement to defund police and divest from incarceration. Even while facing a $409 million revenue shortfall, the proposed budget increases spending on the Public Defender’s Office, cuts 300 vacant positions from the Sheriff’s Office, and expands funding for Justice Advisory Council by nearly $20 million, and expands mental health care.

There is still time to improve Cook County’s 2021 budget! Will you voice your support for the Budget for Black Lives today?

This summer, during the height of the uprisings demanding justice for George Floyd and other people murdered by police, the Cook County Board of Commissioners voted overwhelmingly for the "Justice for Black Lives" resolution. This resolution supports the idea of divesting from the jail to invest in communities. Now we need commissioners to put their money where their mouth is by supporting the Budget for Black Lives.

Systems of policing and incarceration harm Black, Brown and poor communities. 

Investing in people -- not punishment -- will make everyone safer.

Community safety is achieved with good jobs, safe and affordable housing, excellent schools, robust public transit and universal access to essential health services. 

If you agree, raise your voice. Take 3 minutes to tell President Preckwinkle and the Commissioners to invest resources accordingly - for the sake of Black lives and Black communities across the county.


Towards Sacred Activism - A Conversation


Election Action Plan: Week 10