Hear Ahmed Rehab tell the story of the #MyJihad campaign January 12th in Orland Park
Come hear the story of the #MyJihad campaign as told by its founder Ahmed Rehab. Learn how a simple idea on Facebook is turning into what some analysts are calling the most important Muslim counter-Islamophobia campaign ever.
#MyJihad is a public educational campaign that seeks to reclaim the true meaning of the concept of Jihad through creative public outreach via Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and advertising on public transportation.
The campaign has launched on Chicago and San Francisco buses so far, and Rehab says more cities nationally and globally will follow. The campaign has been covered globally from Brazil, to China, France, Lithuania, Aruba, as well as the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. Find out what the excitement is about via this unique Chicago opportunity, the first public presentation of the campaign by its founder.
What: Ahmed Rehab tells the story of the #MyJihad Public Education Campaign When: Saturday January 12th, 2013, 6:30pm - 8pm Where: Quran Academy - Banquet Hall, 16550 S. 104th Ave, Orland Park, IL 60467 Cost: Free RSVP: Please e-mail secretary@op-pc.org or call (708) 349-6592 x155 or www.op-pc.org
Sponsored by The Prayer Center of Orland Park and CAIR-Chicago.
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