URGENT- Volunteers Needed
Ramadan outreach to the local mosques the second most important fundraising effort following our annual banquet where volunteers assist in the holy month’s fundraising efforts.
Hear Ahmed Rehab tell the story of the #MyJihad campaign January 12th in Orland Park
Come hear the story of the #MyJihad campaign as told by its founder Ahmed Rehab. Learn how a simple idea on Facebook is turning into what some analysts are calling the most important Muslim counter-Islamophobia campaign ever.
Staff Attorney Rabya Khan presents "Know Your Rights" training on June 3rd
On June 3rd, 2012, CAIR-Chicago Staff Attorney Rabya Khan will be presenting a "Know Your Rights" training at the MSI Masjid in Glendale Heights, IL.
Staff Attorney Rabya Khan presents "Know Your Rights" training on June 3rd
On June 3rd, 2012, CAIR-Chicago Staff Attorney Rabya Khan will be presenting a "Know Your Rights" training at the MSI Masjid in Glendale Heights, IL.
Chicago Tribune: Small mosque easily wins approval from DuPage
"It's basically the ideal zoning application for DuPage County, with absolutely no controversy surrounding it," said Amina Sharif, communications coordinator with the Chicago Council on American-Islamic Relations. "The area where it's located is already commercially zoned, next to a synagogue, and there is more than adequate parking there. If the DuPage County Board had rejected this, then we'd have an obvious problem. This is a very easy thing to approve."
CAIR-Chicago Reps to Speak at Zoning Conference - April 23, 2011
Join CIOGC, ISPU, Muslim Bar Association and CAIR-Chicago on Saturday, April 23 for the first of its kind -- Zoning Summit -- to hear from experts who will share with us all in one forum strategies on how to successfully manage opposition to masjid applications
ACTION ALERT: Call DuPage County, Support MECCA Mosque
The DuPage County Development Committee (CDC) voted yesterday to recommend granting a permit to the MECCA Mosque, but the issue is not over yet. The County Board will vote on the matter next week. Call the County Board and show your support for MECCA as well as the other mosques seeking permits.
Ahmed Rehab Keynotes MEC Event Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.
CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab delivered the keynote address at the Muslim Education Center’s (MEC) community dinner on Sunday January 16, 2011, which commemorated the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Rehab discussed the civil rights movement and how it has affected the country today, 50 years later.
Chicago Tribune: Religious leaders urge approval of DuPage mosque
"How many mosques constitute an oversaturation in unincorporated DuPage County, according to the Zoning Board of Appeals?" asked Ahmed Rehab, director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, at a news conference. "The answer would be one. One would be one too many apparently, and that's very disconcerting to us."
Medill Reports: Islamic group puts pressure on DuPage to change stand banning mosque
In tough economic times most neighborhoods would welcome development. But in suburban Willowbrook, they’re waving it off for an unusual reason: religious oversaturation.
Press Conference Tomorrow to Support DuPage County Mosques
Christian, Muslim, Jewish and civic leaders affirm religious freedom and call on the DuPage County Development Board to reconsider the Zoning Board's decision to deny a permit for MECCA, a mosque in Willowbrook.
Naperville Sun: County committee lobs mosque back to zoning board
The zoning panel voted 6-1 last month to recommend denial of the conditional use permit needed for a worship center.All seven members of the ZBA, along with 10 County Board members and former chairman Bob Schillerstrom, are named in a pending federal complaint [made by CAIR-Chicago] alleging they erred a year ago when they turned down an Islamic school and worship center.
Chicago Tribune: DuPage zoning panel opposes plan for mosque near Willowbrook
Amina Sharif, with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said she is concerned that officials are trying to limit religious institutions. In April, the group filed a lawsuit against the county alleging discrimination in rejecting a zoning proposal for an Islamic education center and place of worship near Naperville.
ACTION ALERT: Call DuPage County to Support Mosques Seeking Permits
Call the DuPage Country Board and show your support for: the Islamic Center of the Western Suburbs (ICSW), the Muslim Education and Cultural Center of America (MECCA), and the Irshad Learning Center (ILC). Make your voice heard and make a difference!
Press Release: CAIR-Chicago Urges Support for DuPage County Mosques Seeking Permits
"There is a large and growing number of Muslim families who live, work, and pay taxes in DuPage County yet are being denied the same right as their neighbors to establish institutions to accommodate their religious and community needs," said Ahmed Rehab.
Chicago Tribune: DuPage zoning board rejects mosque request
The DuPage County Zoning Board of Appeals voted 5-2 to reject the petition by the Muslim Educational Cultural Center of America (MECCA). Last year, CAIR-Chicago filed a federal lawsuit against the county, alleging discrimination in the rejection of a zoning proposal for an Islamic educational center and place of worship near Naperville.
Ahmed Rehab to Keynote Muslim Education Center's (MEC) Community Dinner - 1/16/11
The MEC Masjid has invited Ahmed Rehab to speak at an event commemorating Martin Luther King Jr. and his "I Have A Dream" speech. The MEC Education Committee invited Rehab to their fourth seminar of a monthly educational series to talk about MLK and what the civil rights movement is today, 50 years later. Rehab's speech will be followed with a question and answer for further discussion.
Medill Reports: Muslim civil rights group among those suspicious of DuPage zoning proposal
“Muslims are kind of the new kids on the block in DuPage and they are going to face the highest burden in having to go to commercial areas, buy more expensive land, create larger developments and be completely away from their neighbors,” Vodak said.