OnIslam: US Faiths Demand Immigration Reform
CAIR-Chicago executive director Ahmed Rehab stands with other faith leaders to voice support for immigration reform.
Kony 2012: How would the media report on Joseph Kony if he was Muslim?
The way in which KONY 2012 is being reported illustrates a clear bias and double standard in reporting. The crimes that Kony and the LRA have committed are acts of terror and should be labeled as such.
The Religion of Politics: The Unity of Church and State
Politicians are using Christianity as a religious tool to gain votes and advance their own agendas, while other religions such as Islam suffer the consequences.
Chicago Tribune: A Silver Lining to Egypt's Dark Cloud
Ahmed Rehab, CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, discusses the tragic bombing of a Coptic church in Egypt and the strong response of everyday Egyptians – Muslims and Copts.
Chicago Tribune: A Silver Lining to Egypt's Dark Cloud
Ahmed Rehab, CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, discusses the tragic bombing of a Coptic church in Egypt and the strong response of everyday Egyptians – Muslims and Copts.
Gallup Poll Finds Americans More Prejudiced Against Islam, Muslims than Other Major Faiths
According to Gallup, more than 4 in 10 Americans (43%) admit to feeling at least "a little" prejudice toward Muslims. This is more than twice the number who say the same about Christians (18%), and almost three times more than that of Jews (15%) and Buddhists (14%). The poll questioned Americans about knowledge of Islam, to which 63% of Americans said they have "very little" knowledge or "none at all."
Illinois Muslims to Mark End of Hajj With Prayer and Celebration
On Friday, November 27th, Muslims all over the world and in America will mark the end of the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca, or Hajj, with communal prayers and celebrations. Each year, some two million Muslims, including thousands of American Muslims, go for the Hajj pilgrimage. This Islamic holiday is called Eid ul-Adha (EED-al-ODD-ha), or “festival of the sacrifice” and it commemorates the Prophet Abraham's faithfulness in willing to sacrifice his son (who was then spared) at God's command, an important historical event in Christianity and Judaism as well.
Chicago Tribune: Use of Scripture linked to war documents troubles Jewish, Christian leaders
One passage plucked from the New Testament's Epistle to the Ephesians instructs believers to "put on the full armor of God." An excerpt from the Old Testament's Isaiah directs them to "open the gates that the righteous nation may enter."
Chicago Tribune: Muslims seek ways to balance proximity of Eid and Christmas
The day after Thanksgiving, Ali Khan drove his two sons to the neighborhood Home Depot to pick out a Christmas tree.
Chicago Tribune: Freedom of religion
"A crucible for secularism," by Tom Hundley was an incendiary piece of journalism that offends the ideals of a pluralistic society, and characterizing religious people – both Muslim and Christian – in a negative light (Page 1, June 19). The tone of the article uses the classic "us versus them" schoolyard tactic to pit Islam and Christianity as competing for the supremacy of Europe and then dismisses both as thorns in the side of secularism.