Al Jazeera: Attacks on US Muslims creates Eid worry
CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab comments on the demonizing of Muslims in the U.S. in this new Al Jazeera piece.
MEDIA DIGEST: Standing up to Congressman Joe Walsh
CAIR-Chicago's media department gave over 20 interviews on 16 different media venues calling out Congressman Joe Walsh's bigoted comments on Islam and Muslims. The following digest includes a selection of these interviews.
WIND 560 AM: Ahmed Rehab refutes Joe Walsh's statements
On Friday August 10th, 2012, CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, was interviewed by radio host Steve Cochran regarding Rep. Joe Walsh's controversial statements about Muslims.
VIDEO: ABC 7 - CAIR-Chicago, interfaith community address Rep. Joe Walsh
CAIR-Chicago and the Chicago interfaith community demand that Congressman Joe Walsh retract his statement that Muslims are a 'real threat' to the US.
VIDEO: WGN 9 - CAIR-Chicago holds press conference to address Rep. Joe Walsh
WGN 9 TV news at 5 reports on CAIR-Chicago's press conference to address Rep. Joe Walsh's anti-Muslim remarks.
VIDEO: CBS 2 - CAIR-Chicago and interfaith community respond to Rep. Joe Walsh
CBS 2 reports on CAIR-Chicago's interfaitrh press conference on Rep. Joe Walsh's anti-Muslim remarks. CAIR-Chicago's Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, is interviewed.
VIDEO: CLTV - Ahmed Rehab addresses Rep. Joe Walsh's comments
Executive Director of CAIR-Chicago, Ahmed Rehab, responds to Rep. Joe Walsh's anti-Muslim statements on Politics Tonight.
VIDEO: WGN 9 - CAIR-Chicago responds to Rep. Joe Walsh
CAIR-Chicago responds to US Republican congressman from Illinois, Joe Walsh, who tells a town hall meeting that Muslims are a 'real threat'.
Chicagoist: Joe Walsh Manages Two Racially Insenstive Remarks In One Week
Rep. Joe Walsh once again managed to make several racially offensive statements this week, offending both Muslims and African Americans.
Daily Herald: CAIR blasts Walsh for ‘bigoted’ comments
Controversy over comments about “radical Islam” sprouting up in the suburbs is one political fire that’s showing no signs of being doused for Congressman Joe Walsh.
WGN TV: Islamic, Interfaith group respond to Walsh's controversial comments
The Muslim Community is responding to comments made by Congressman Joe Walsh (R) that they say are outrageous and reinforce racial stereotypes.
FOX Chicago: Chicago Muslims Outraged by Rep. Walsh's Comments
On Friday, August 10th, CAIR-Chicago along with the Chicago Muslim and interfaith community held a press conference to demand that Rep. Joe Walsh retract and apologize for his insensitive remarks about Islam and Muslims.
Noor Salahuddin Discusses the Republican Presidential Candidates' Political Positions
Communications Intern, Noor Salahuddin discusses the Republican presidential candidates' political positions.
Noor Salahuddin Discusses the Republican Presidential Candidates' Political Positions
Communications Intern, Noor Salahuddin discusses the Republican presidential candidates' political positions.
The GOP and the Sharia Myth
The idea that is being propagated by some conservative political leaders and media outlets is that Sharia is an imminent threat to American society. This is simply not true, and the recent legislative push to ban Sharia from th U.S. is not only a waste of time and taxpayer money, it's a fear-mongering movement that only creates divisions between Americans based on ideology.