CAIR-Chicago Saddened by Passing of Cardinal George
CAIR-Chicago is saddened by the death of Cardinal Francis George, who passed away this morning after a long struggle with cancer.
CAIR-Chicago Hosts Interfaith Event to Honor MLK
This Monday’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day brought together youth and educators from across Chicagoland at an event hosted at CAIR-Chicago’s Azima Center.
Chicago Jewish Activist: Why We Work With Our Local CAIR Chapter in Chicago
Asaf Bar-Tura from the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs communicates the importance of the long-standing partnership between his organization and CAIR-Chicago.
OnIslam: Illinois Muslims Welcome Neighbors
CAIR-Chicago's Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson joined the Elgin community at an event themed "Who is my Muslim neighbor?" on Sunday, May 19th.
WGN 9: CAIR-Chicago cautions Muslims of possible retaliatory violence and harassment [VIDEO]
At a news conference on Friday, April 19th, CAIR-Chicago Executive Director reiterated the Muslim community's sympathies for the victims of the Boston bombings and cautions the Muslim community of possible retaliatory acts.
Chicago Tribune: Muslims guard against backlash
The Council on American Islamic Relations again offered sympathy to victims of the Boston Marathon bombing on Friday, but added a plea for Americans not to generalize and conclude that Muslim teachings influenced the suspect in any way.
Chicago Tribune: Religious leaders come together in Frankfort
Christianity, Islam and Judaism may seem like totally different religions, but participants at an interfaith forum in Frankfort learned they all share some basic principles.
CAIR-Chicago co-sponsoring interfaith arts exchange on April 4th
Join CAIR-Chicago Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson, the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs and the Council for the Advancement of Muslim Professionals on Thursday, April 4th for an arts exchange aimed at bringing Jewish and Muslims artists together to foster relationships and celebrate shared experiences.
How American Muslims were also victims of the horrendous attacks on 9/11
Are the portrayals of Muslim Americans by some elected officials and members of the media accurate? Are non-Muslim Americans the only victims of extremism? Should Muslim Americans be obligated to apologize for the actions of a few that distort the true meaning of the Qur’an?
Chicago Tribune: Muslim grave site in Evergreen Park vandalized again
A grave site in the Muslim section of Evergreen Cemetery in Evergreen Park has been defaced for the second time in two weeks.
MEDIA DIGEST: CAIR-Chicago responds to vandalism of Muslim grave
CAIR-Chicago held a protest downtown condemning hate and Islamophobia and it's media department gave numerous interviews addressing the recent desecration of a Muslim man's grave in Evergreen Park, IL.
CAIR-Chicago holds "White Balloon Protest" downtown
On Friday, August 17th, CAIR-Chicago along with an interfaith and interethnic coalition of diverse community organizations united to protest hate and Islamophobia in downtown Chicago.
CAIR-Chicago holds "White Balloon Protest" downtown
On Friday, August 17th, CAIR-Chicago along with an interfaith and interethnic coalition of diverse community organizations united to protest hate and Islamophobia in downtown Chicago.