Vocalo, CAIR-Chicago Audio-Documentary: The Media and Islamophobia
CAIR-Chicago intern, Becky Fogel, created this audio documentary for Vocalo and Chicago Public Media on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks to share perspectives on the media's role in harboring Islamophobia. Becky interviewed civil rights activists in the Muslim community and had them share their thoughts on how public perception of Muslims has changed since 9/11.
Documentary Koran by Heart offers insight into Muslim tradition and values
Koran by Heart, a documentary film by Greg Barker which covered the 2009 Koran recital competition in Cairo where children from around the world gather to compete, aired on HBO.
Social media used to correct Western perceptions of Arabs. But at what cost?
Communications Intern Jenn Schanz weighs the pros and cons of the image being portrayed by the a new Arab video game character.
Extremism has no religion
Communications Intern Jenn Schanz reflects on the tragedy in Norway and the tendency of terrorists to hide behind religious ideology to further political agendas.
Controversy demands discourse, not dismissal: the case with Israel and Palestine
Across city campuses, effective discourse has taken place on socially relevant issues, pulling them out of the “taboo drawer” and placing them into the limelight. From gender equality to immigration, today’s student approach has consistently been “let’s talk about it.” And then there’s Israel and Palestine.