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PRESS RELEASE: Candlelight vigil tonight for Ambassador Christopher Stevens

The Chicago office of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago), along with members of the Chicago Libyan community, Syrian American Council Chicago, MAS (Muslim American Society), Zakat Foundation, and AMP (American Muslims for Palestine), will hold a candlelight vigil tonight to honor Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

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Moving of G8 summit fails to move protestors

Although Obama relocated the G8 summit from Chicago to Camp David, activists still plan to protest the NATO summit. The G8 summit was planned to take place on May18 and 19 and May 20 and 21 for the NATO summit, since last summer. Activists readied themselves to protest the lack of efforts by these organizations until Obama announced the transfer of the G8 summit. Activists believe the summit was moved for one reason: fear.

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ABC 7: CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab Welcomes End of Libyan Dictatorship

"We're relieved at the end of an era. Muslims don't rejoice at the death of an individual. However, we are rejoicing at the death of dictatorship and tyranny, and the murderous period that Gadhafi was going after his own people," said CAIR's Ahmed Rehab. The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago says, now that the war against Gadhafi's regime is over, Libya will face a new challenge.

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ABC 7: CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab Welcomes End of Libyan Dictatorship

"We're relieved at the end of an era. Muslims don't rejoice at the death of an individual. However, we are rejoicing at the death of dictatorship and tyranny, and the murderous period that Gadhafi was going after his own people," said CAIR's Ahmed Rehab. The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago says, now that the war against Gadhafi's regime is over, Libya will face a new challenge.

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